The Jerusalem Post

From Trauma to Triumph: How one hasidic abuse survivor is inspiring change

These vulnerable boys and girls live in unstable and overcrowded conditions. (Illustaration) (photo credit: STOCK)
These vulnerable boys and girls live in unstable and overcrowded conditions. (Illustaration)
(photo credit: STOCK)

Serving the Jewish community, Amudim is a resource center that combats crises by raising public awareness and implementing community-wide educational programs.

(Warning: The following article contains graphic descriptions of violence and sexual abuse.)

Tzippy Landau, a survivor of sexual abuse within the hasidic community who now works to raise public awareness at Amudim, invited people to join Run4Amudim teams participating in the annual Miami Marathon in February, the organization announced last week. 

"Run4Amudim is about ensuring that no survivor feels alone," Landau said. Serving the Orthodox Jewish community, Amudim is a confidential resource center that combats crises by raising public awareness and implementing community-wide educational programs.

The nonprofit also provides meaningful assistance, support, and direct referrals to individuals, families, and communities impacted by sexual abuse, substance abuse, and mental illness. 


Landau was raised in Borough Park, New York, and said the weight from the experiences of sexual abuse and also the suicide of her father in 2010, who struggled with addiction, became unbearable. 

Cycle of sexual abuse

"The generational cycle of sexual abuse began before I was even two years old, perpetrated by close relatives, spanning generations," she said. As part of the steps to restart her life years later, she hired a therapist, personal trainer, and nutritionist and worked multiple jobs to cover the expenses. 

 Tzippy Landau (credit: Courtesy)
Tzippy Landau (credit: Courtesy)

The abuse physically damaged her body, she said, including an excess amount of scar tissue build-up from years of her body being abused at such a young age, and she has many treatments and medical expenses. Landau requested the abuser—who has a family and a job—pay for her medical expenses, and he will not, she said.  

After Landau started a GoFundMe for medical care, Rabbi Zvi Gluck at Amudim reached out to offer assistance, the statement said, and she successfully completed a 42-day residential PTSD treatment program. 

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Landau has experienced firsthand the power of community, the statement said, and with Run4Amudim, a “network of people who believe in the transformative power of compassion and support is being built.”

“Every step I take is for those still in the shadows, waiting for their chance to heal,” she said.


To join a team, participants must commit to raising $5,000 for Run4Amudim. The Miami Marathon is 13.1 miles for the half marathon and 26.2 miles for the full marathon. 

Jerusalem Post Staff contributed to this report. 
