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Jerusalem Post Aliyah Portal

The Jerusalem Post, Israel's largest English-speaking media outlet, is launching an aliyah portal, to bring you all the resources you need to prepare for a move to Israel - and to be successful when you get to Israel. Enjoy the inspiration!

 SEAGAL HAGEGE: A Jersey girl in Israel.

Seagal Hagege: The Jersey girl on a mission help IDF reservists during wartime

 Galila Yohannes and her doctor at Tel Aviv Sarousky Medical Center.

Israel offers substantial grants to attract immigrant doctors to Gaza border region

 Ari and Luba after arriving in Israel on a Nefesh B'Nefesh flight on September 21, 2023.

Ari Grazi and Lübba Wintzer: Making aliyah with no regrets

Olim from North America arrive on a special " Aliyah flight" to the Ben Gurion airport

Aliyah org. launches model for English-speaking Olim amid increased demand

 Avigdor Liberman speaking at an Yisrael Beytenu party meeting, July 8, 2024.

No Time: Liberman calls on French Jews to flee to Israel after far-left victory in France

 CYCLING IN Nitzana.

Practicing law in Israel: Advice for olim hadashim

By Leah Hakimian
A person holds a crucifix outside a Catholic church in Harare, Zimbabwe March 29, 2024.

Chief Rabbi Lau: Ethiopian Christian missionaries infiltrating Israel, end aliyah initiative


South African jazz with a Jewish soul

 Spirited Russian-speaking immigrants learn about Israel’s path to independence on a hike in the Jerusalem Hills.

New immigrants to Israel find solace, strength in community during wartime

 Joel Wolowelsky

Reinventing life in Jerusalem, after 55 years of teaching in Flatbush

 Living and teaching in both the geographical and social periphery, the fellows become an integral part of their local communities.

Building Bridges: MASA's international educators impacting Israeli youth

By Ronnie Rosenman
 New olim arrive in Israel with Nefesh B'Nefesh.

Florida families glowing with joy over upcoming aliyah

 NORTH AMERICAN Jews make aliyah, 2019.

Aliyah Commandos: Fighting to save North American Jews

 New immigrants from USA and Canada arrive on a special " Aliyah Flight 2016" on behalf of Nefesh B'Nefesh organization, at Ben Gurion airport in central Israel on August 17, 2016.

Ahead of Shavuot: 602 Ruths and Naomis make aliyah in the past decade

'OLIM’ BORNSTEIN and Plat with Gilad at Belong.

Belong - The private company on a mission to bring Jews to Israel

 Rabbi Yehoshua Fass, Executive Director, Nefesh B’Nefesh and Avichai Kahana, Director General, Ministry of Aliyah and Integration, at the Jerusalem Post Annual Conference 2024.

Resilience and return: Aliyah amid conflict

 Zionist pride on show on the Schachnes’ balcony (from L): Phyllis Kornbluth, Bonnie Saban, Erica Schachne, Miriam Gold, Esther Schachne, and Tzipora Meier.

How Anglo immigrants thrive in Jerusalem's Arnona neighborhood

 SISTERS SARAH and Judith in Zurich.

From Switzerland to Jerusalem: Sarah Ebel Freiman's story of aliyah

 Belong CEO Eilon Gilad at the Jerusalem Post Annual Conference 2024

Belong helps olim find their place within Israeli society. Here's how

 UNTITLED PHOTOGRAPH from Rose Bar-Nur’s exhibition ‘Concrete Singing and Other Birds.’

Longing mixed with hope: Art after October 7

 Rabbi Yehoshua Fass, Co-Founder and Executive Director of Nefesh B’Nefesh, at the Jerusalem Post Annual Conference 2023.

After Oct. 7, we see shift in Aliyah interest, a unified front to welcome Olim - Nefesh B’Nefesh

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