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Torah Portion

Articles on the weekly Torah readings, including inspiration and explanations.

 THE END of Moses’s role was not a failure but the conquest of another peak. Pictured: Mount Everest.

Parashat Pinhas: How Moses ended his role as leader of the Jewish people

 DID THE people of Israel have any real reason to fear Balaam’s curse?

Parashat Balak: Can God be bribed?

 ‘RED HEIFER’ by Antonio Tempesta, Italian printmaker, 16th century.

The perplexing nature of the red heifer: Turning to faith when logic is absent

 HOW CAN a person approach holiness after coming close to death?

Parashat Chukat: Protest against death

 DON’T CAST your eyes in envy.

Parashat Korach: Envy, interests, and disputes

 FROM NOW on, every leader would be judged by the example of Moses.

Parashat Shelach: Moses’ example of leadership

 ‘GATES OF the Heart,’ Yoram Raanan, 2014, acrylic on canvas, 95 x 75 cm.

Gates of the heart: Gates in Torah and Judaism

 A vendor arranges onions for sale at Mile 12 International Market in Lagos, Nigeria May 13, 2022. Picture taken May 13, 2022.

Parashat Beha'alotcha: Freedom comes with responsibility

 WE HAVE a responsibility to educate our children to live in the world as is.

Parashat Naso: Coping with exposure to the world's impurities

 AN IDF soldier writes a letter in a Torah scroll as part of a special November 2023 initiative by the Chief Rabbinate for the welfare of the soldiers, the return of the hostages, and Israel’s success in the war against Hamas.

How do modern Jewish historical moments relate with their Bible portions?

 A sign reads "Curb your ego" in this illustrative image.

Parashat Bamidbar: Leadership and arrogance

 Torah study must  involve toil.

Parashat Bechukotai: Why work hard?

 Servitude to God is not degradation; it is the path to freedom.

Parashat Behar: Who is the servant and who is the master?

 BIRKAT KOHANIM at the Kotel on Succot, Oct. 2, 2023.

Parsha Emor: Being worthy of one’s role

 An illustrative image of a baby being offered to the Molech.

Parashat Aharei Mot: Holiness of the family


Parashat Tazria: ‘Tzara’at’ and divine providence

 ONE MUST set aside feelings of shame and fear – and perform what is incumbent upon them.

Parashat Shemini: Humility as a prerequisite for the role

 A MASHGIACH checks vegetables in keeping with kashrut laws.

Parashat Shemini: Turning inward, turning outward

 Gratefulness (illustrative)

Parashat Tzav: Thank you, thank you, and again, thank you

 Sweet fruits are seen on sale.

Parashat Vayikra: Satisfaction and sacrifice

 ‘KORBAN,’ DETAIL of wood and acrylic on canvas,  2017-2024.

Parashat Vayikra: Burnt offerings

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