The Jerusalem Post

'My grandma is a fighter who never stopped fighting,' grandson of newly released hostage says

 Yocheved Lifshitz, 85, at the Sourasky Medical Center in Tel Aviv after her release from captivity at the hands of Hamas in Gaza, October 24 2023. (photo credit: Jenny Yerushalmi, spokeswoman for Sourasky Medical Center)
Yocheved Lifshitz, 85, at the Sourasky Medical Center in Tel Aviv after her release from captivity at the hands of Hamas in Gaza, October 24 2023.
(photo credit: Jenny Yerushalmi, spokeswoman for Sourasky Medical Center)

While Yocheved displayed remarkable strength, her noticeable weight loss underscored the hardships she faced during her ordeal.

In a moving interview with Army Radio, Dekel Lifshitz painted a vivid picture of his grandmother, Yocheved Lifshitz's tenacity during her captivity by Hamas terrorists. "My grandma is a fighter who never stopped fighting and returned like a champ," he proclaimed with evident pride.

Yocheved, an 85-year-old Israeli peace activist, had spent years helping sick Palestinians from Gaza access hospitals alongside her husband. Hamas released her on Monday. She was brutally kidnapped on October 7th during the Hamas massacre in southern Israel.

Dekel emotionally recounted their reunion, saying, "It was, if not the most emotional moment of my life, certainly one of them. Meeting grandma again after such a long time was overwhelming." Echoing the sentiments of many, he observed, "It's hard to believe it happened so quickly."

While Yocheved displayed remarkable strength, her noticeable weight loss underscored the hardships she faced during her ordeal.

 Yocheved Lifshitz, 85, at the Sourasky Medical Center in Tel Aviv after her release from captivity at the hands of Hamas in Gaza, October 24 2023. (credit: Jenny Yerushalmi, spokeswoman for Sourasky Medical Center)
Yocheved Lifshitz, 85, at the Sourasky Medical Center in Tel Aviv after her release from captivity at the hands of Hamas in Gaza, October 24 2023. (credit: Jenny Yerushalmi, spokeswoman for Sourasky Medical Center)

What happened to Yocheved's husband?

Discussion about the fate of Yocheved's husband, who remains in Hamas's custody, dominated parts of the conversation. Dekel shared his heartbreak, saying, "It's agonizing not knowing what's happening with her husband, her companion for nearly 60 years." Sadly, no further details about his situation are available.

Dekel stressed that while Yocheved suggested she was treated fairly during her captivity, it's crucial to remember she was forcibly taken from her home, and the conditions under which she was held may not have been suitable for others.
