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The novel coronavirus, COVID-19, is spreading around the world, including in Israel. Common signs of infection include respiratory symptoms, fever, cough, shortness of breath and breathing difficulties, bu... Read moret the virus can be fatal. To help maintain the virus, Israel has implemented a number of restrictions on the public. Less

 Dr. Anthony Fauci

Trump pulls Fauci’s security, wishes him ‘nothing but peace’

MEMBERS of Jewish Voice for Peace demonstrate in New York in 2015. (Courtesy)

Jewish Voice for Peace to pay over $600,000 to settle COVID-19 loan fraud allegation

 A COVID-19 TESTING center in France in 2022.

Israeli breakthrough: Freeze-dried COVID vaccine needs no refrigeration

 A woman is seen preparing a dose of the COVID vaccine.

Israel kicks off new COVID vaccine campaign targeting JN1 variant: What you need to know

 Corona outbreak in China

Q&A: New XEC coronavirus variant spreads worldwide

 Israeli children going into 1st grade seen on the first day of school at the Gabrieli Carmel School in Tel Aviv on September 1, 2023.

The invisible casualties of war: Israel’s young generation at risk

 An illustrative image of COVID-19.

Coping with PTCD – post-traumatic COVID disorder

 El Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Derechos Humanos (ACNUDH), Volker Turk, ofrece una rueda de prensa en Caracas, Venezuela, el 28 de enero de 2023.

Jefe de derechos de la ONU advierte sobre el aumento de la extrema derecha en Europa

 Se trata de la primera prueba física del consumo de cannabis en la era moderna no sólo en Italia, sino también en Europa, señaló el equipo.

High before the low: Cannabis increases risk of severe COVID-19 -

 Una señora con mascarilla mira su teléfono en medio de la ola Omicron de la enfermedad por coronavirus (COVID-19) en Singapur, el 17 de febrero de 2022.

Mascarillas no redujeron riesgo de infección de COVID tras la primera ola de Ómicron

 A lady in a face mask looks at her phone amid the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) Omicron wave in Singapore, February 17, 2022.

Masks did not reduce risk of COVID infection after first Omicron wave, UK research shows

 ADHD Graphic

Did the corona virus really cause an increase in ADHD?

UNA FAMILIA participa en su Seder de Pascua en 2023.

Del COVID-19 a la guerra entre Israel y Hamás: la Pascua en tiempos difíciles

 A FAMILY participates in their Passover Seder in 2023.

From COVID-19 to Israel-Hamas War: Passover in trying times

 Congestion in a hospital emergency room

Have you already forgotten COVID-19? It may still be affecting your memory and cognition

 WORSHIPER PRAYS outdoors in Monsey, New York during the COVID era.

What do Americans think of COVID-19 four years after it started? - survey

 Congestion in a hospital emergency room

Winter illnesses: How to stay healthy this flu and COVID season

 Alec Goldberg

New COVID treatment from 101 Therapeutics poised to revolutionize pandemic response

 People wearing masks pass by portraits of Chinese President Xi Jinping, following the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak, in Shanghai, China, August 31, 2022

China knew of COVID two weeks before telling world of deadly virus

 A 3D rendering of the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19.

JN.1: What is the new COVID variant in Israel? - explainer

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