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Israel Real Estate

Explore the latest developments in Israel's vibrant real estate landscape and discover captivating new residential projects.

 Damages Caused to the Homes of Metula, December 9, 2024

Roadmap for rehabilitation: From disaster to economic boost for cities

By Walla/RealEstate
 Residential Buildings, Ashdod.

Surprising data: 70% of apartments in Israel are built by small firms

Gaza's Reconstruction

Money and Potential Aren't Lacking: Is Gaza's Reconstruction Actually Possible?

 Jerusalem's Ramat Shlomo neighborhood.

Ramat Shlomo: From controversial beginnings to thriving neighborhood

 Training at a construction site.

Ambitious Initiative: New Israeli city proposed to house tens of thousands of foreign construction

 An areal view of the beaches and city skyline in Tel Aviv, on February 19, 2018.

Location, location, location. How true is it in Tel Aviv?

By Arik Mirovsky/Globes/TNS
 A look at Ramot in Jerusalem

Ramot: Exploring Jerusalem's largest neighborhood

Bika’at Ono aims High: Spotlight on Israel's most surprising region, as development surges forward

By Liad Vaknish , MAARIV

New water park to be built in Israel’s most unexpected city

Is it the right time to explore and seize opportunities in the Israeli housing market? Absolutely.

Trend Reversal? 2024 ends with unexpected drop in apartment

By Liad Vaknish
Graffiti on Carlebach Street in Tel Aviv, February 16, 2024.

Tel Aviv Municipality unveils real estate plans on Carlebach Street

 Senior Housing Conference 2025

Israel’s senior housing revolution: meeting the needs of an aging population

By Liad Vaknish , Walla/RealEstate
 Carso Nia residential project has just begun on Beit Lehem Road and will provide 437 new housing units to Jerusalemites.

Carso Nia: The visionary real estate project helping revitalize Jerusalem

Benjy Singer

Benjy Singer, Appointed President of the Rifman Institute for the Development of the Negev

A historic opportunity for affordable homes and land resolution in Jerusalem

By Hannah Schwartz
 An illustrative image of extended construction in a residential area of Tel Aviv, Israel.

Nightmare landlords, horrible tenants: The hard truth of renting apartments in Israel

 16 HaAyin Het Street (Street of the 78) – the “windows house,” an Arab home built in 1911 in what is now Musrara, Jerusalem.

Musrara: Jerusalem’s living crossroads

 Looking east from Abu Tor to the breath-taking panoramas

Abu Tor: Bridging divides in the heart of Jerusalem

 Direct hit in the community of Shtula in northern Israel following Hezbollah attack.

Tender completed for 2,000 protected rooms in northern border communities

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