The Jerusalem Post

Hezbollah, Hamas terror banners flown openly at NYC pro-Palestinian protest

 Hamas Al-Qassam Brigades Flag at a June 28 NYC protest. (photo credit: Screenshot/ Within Our Lifetime video/ X)
Hamas Al-Qassam Brigades Flag at a June 28 NYC protest.
(photo credit: Screenshot/ Within Our Lifetime video/ X)

WOL leader Nerdeen Kiswani was flanked by a banner of Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades spokesperson Abu Obaida. At least three Hezbollah flags, four Hamas flags, and one Lions' Den flags were present.

Multiple flags and banners of terrorist organizations were flown at a New York City anti-Israel protest against President Joe Biden on Friday, according to videos published by Within Our Lifetime.  

At the Manhattan Center, WOL leader Nerdeen Kiswani was flanked by a banner of Hamas Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades spokesperson Abu Obaida as she led the crowd in chants of “Genocide Joe has got to go.”

Two Hamas flags, one carried by an activist with a Hamas headband, could be seen at the protest site.

When marching to the center, two Hezbollah flags could be seen, one held by a person wearing what appeared to be the colors of the  Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.


Another Hezbollah flag, two Al Qassam Brigades flags, and a Lion’s Den flag were waved at the center of the protest march start point at Madison Square Park. Banners called to “globalize the Intifada” and achieve aims “by any means necessary.”

 Banner of Hamas spokesperson Abu Obaida at a June 28 NYC protest. (credit: Screenshot/ Within Our Lifetime video/ X)
Banner of Hamas spokesperson Abu Obaida at a June 28 NYC protest. (credit: Screenshot/ Within Our Lifetime video/ X)

'Flood Manhattan for Palestine and Lebanon'

Promotion for the protest called on supporters to “flood Manhattan for Palestine and Lebanon,” as Hezbollah continued to bombard northern Israel and the specter grew of an expanded Levantine war.

“Palestine suffers massacre after massacre while inspiring the world with its resistance. Lebanon, which has been getting bombed by the IAF for months, is moving increasingly into the crosshairs of the Zionist and US war machine due to their unwavering support for Palestine,” WOL said on X on Thursday. “Escalation in Lebanon could break out at any time, so we too need to escalate.”

WOL sought to confront Biden over his support for Israel during its war with Hamas. The group decried what they said was a “pinkwashing event” as Biden was set to speak at the Stonewall National Monument Visitor Center grand opening ceremony. Friday was the anniversary of the 1969 Stonewall riots against persecution of LGBTQ Americans.
