The Jerusalem Post

Pelephone puts an end to reception problems in smartphones

 Smartphone (photo credit: INGIMAGE)
(photo credit: INGIMAGE)

Pelephone will later this year offer mobile satellite communication services via regular smartphones in order to offer reception everywhere.

Israel enjoys cellular reception in most places in the country, but there are still areas where cellular coverage may remain, especially in emergency situations. Pelephone announced today (Monday) that it will begin a collaboration with AST Space Mobile in order to offer phone calls through cellular satellite communication, a solution available everywhere.

Pelephone will conduct satellite communication tests and trials in April at the AST Space Mobile headquarters in Texas. This is a service that Pelephone is expected to adopt as a solution to complete full cellular coverage in remote areas without reception or in an emergency and it is expected to start operating later this year. The solution is built in such a way that the normal smartphone will connect the user with the cellular company through a satellite moving around the earth and provide high-level cellular connectivity. Pelephone stated that the expected use of satellite communication can be done from any smartphone and does not require the use of a satellite phone.

 Messages via satellite  (credit: PUBLIC RELATIONS)
Messages via satellite (credit: PUBLIC RELATIONS)

Satellite communication is based on contact with satellites that orbit the earth and provide full coverage of reception on the earth, in addition to cellular communication range or physical communication lines. The satellites actually help in places where sites cannot be deployed and in remote areas without infrastructure, so they actually provide the coverage and connectivity required in these areas.

iPhone - sending text messages via satellite

Satellite communication with smartphones is a solution that technology manufacturers have begun to adopt in recent years. In 2022 Apple introduced with the iPhone 14 a service called Emergency SOS via Satellite. The service offers the sending of text messages, where Apple includes pre-prepared messages that can be easily sent. You can also share your location with the Find My App service. Apple's service is available in several countries, including: the USA, the UK, Italy, Australia, Germany, France, but not Israel.

