The Jerusalem Post

GenuinePurity Liposomal NMN + NR Reviews: Best Nicotinamide MonoNucleotide Brand of 2024?

  (photo credit: PR)
(photo credit: PR)

What Is Genuine Purity NMN + NR, And What Is So Unique About Its Double-Dosed Formula?

Many medical experts and scientists believe that boosting the NAD+ (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide) levels in the body can directly increase your longevity and overall well-being.

Two popular precursors can help in improving their production - that is, NMN (Nicotinamide Mononucleotide) and NR (Nicotinamide Riboside).

Now, most of the anti-aging dietary supplements on the market today either focus on supplying the body with NMN or NR. However, when we came across the unique NMN + NR formulation by Genuine Purity, we knew we had to review it right away.

Hence, in this article, we will analyze Genuine Purity NMN + NR to understand whether this dietary supplement is the right fit for you.


From its benefits to its working mechanism, we will attempt to understand whether it is sold at a justified cost too. But before we jump right in, let’s walk you through a brief overview of Genuine Purity NMN + NR:


Genuine Purity NMN + NR


Dietary supplement




Mode of consumption:



Genuine Purity NMN + NR is a popular anti-aging supplement that can use NMN and NR to produce higher levels of NAD in the body. It can also induce various health benefits like better cellular regeneration and improved mitochondrial function among both men and women of all ages.


NMN, NR, Silicon Dioxide, Microcrystalline Cellulose, etc.


  • Contains clinically studied doses of NMN and NR
  • Comes with Liposomal Encapsulation Technology
  • Takes a dual approach to preventing age-related decline in health without inducing any side effects
  • Made in the USA

Health perks:

  • Increased energy levels
  • Improved sleep quality
  • Boosts mood
  • Enhances heart health
  • Reduces muscle tension and joint pain


  • 1-bottle pack: $89.95
  • 3-bottle pack: $239.95
  • 6-bottle pack: $379.95

Refund policy:

97-day money-back guarantee

How to buy Genuine Purity NMN + NR?

You can order your Genuine Purity NMN + NR package from its official website

In What Ways Can Genuine Purity NMN + NR Boost Your Overall Well-Being?

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(credit: PR)

The best thing about Genuine Purity NMN + NR is that it can induce a variety of health benefits in your body that may help you live longer.

According to most Genuine Purity NMN + NR reviews, you may experience the following perks as long as you stick to its recommended dosage of 2 pills per day:

Benefit #1: Better Cognitive Health And Sleep Quality

Although aging processes can take a toll on your entire health, age-related cognitive decline is one of the most common issues faced by both men and women today. Hence, when we came across Genuine Purity NMN + NR, we were curious about its ability to promote better brain health naturally.

Most Genuine Purity NMN + NR reviews report that this supplement can help calm the brain down to help people focus better. It may also help improve sleep quality by allowing its users to rest properly and boost intellectual performance simultaneously.

Benefit #2: Boosted Heart Health And Energy Levels

If you feel that you have lost your youthful energy levels over time, taking Genuine Purity NMN + NR might help. Its pure formulation consists of carefully studied doses of both NMN and NR that may help enhance blood circulation and heart function at the same time.

As a result, many Genuine Purity NMN + NR reviews state that it helps users feel more refreshed and energetic throughout the day.

Benefit #3: Increased Mobility

Issues like joint pain and stiffness can prevent you from moving around as much as you would want to, but the Genuine Purity NMN + NR supplement’s formula may help improve your mobility efficiently.

Its chemical-free formulation can help promote better blood flow in the body and relax tense muscles at the same time.

Benefit #4: Stronger Immune System

Another common issue that may accompany aging is a weak immune system. Your body may struggle with fighting off even small diseases and germs, which may negatively impact your overall well-being.

However, as Genuine Purity NMN + NR consists of 250 mg of both the essential precursors of NAD, your immunity may get stronger if you consume this supplement regularly.

Get your hands on Genuine Purity NMN + NR and experience the benefits now!

Who Invented Genuine Purity NMN + NR? Should You Consume It?

Genuine Purity is a popular name in the market of supplements that claim to boost the NAD levels of the body. Its parent company is Leading Edge Health, which is yet another very famous name when it comes to selling supplements that can improve the overall well-being of the common public.

However, the question is - should you take Genuine Purity NMN + NR? We recommend taking it as long as you are above the age of 18 and not allergic to any of the ingredients used in its formula.

According to most Genuine Purity NMN + NR reviews - it seems to induce equal benefits among both men and women, which is why gender is not a barrier in terms of this supplement’s accessibility.

What Are The Key Ingredients Present In Genuine Purity NMN + NR?

Genuine Purity NMN + NR is a cutting-edge supplement that combines two star ingredients and a few other complementary ingredients to create a powerful formula for overall health and vitality. The key ingredients present in Genuine Purity NMN + NR are:

NMN (Nicotinamide Mononucleotide)

Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (NMN) plays a pivotal role in Genuine Purity NMN + NR supplements due to its potential benefits in cellular health and longevity. NMN is a precursor to nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+), a coenzyme essential for various biological processes, including energy metabolism, DNA repair, and gene expression regulation.

NMN supplementation is believed to enhance NAD+ levels in cells, which decline with age. By replenishing NAD+ levels, NMN helps support mitochondrial function, leading to increased energy production and cellular resilience. Furthermore, NAD+ is involved in activating sirtuins, a class of proteins associated with longevity and cellular stress response.

Scientific studies suggest that NMN supplementation can help mitigate age-related physiological decline, improve insulin sensitivity, and enhance cardiovascular health. Additionally, NMN shows promise in supporting cognitive function and muscle endurance, potentially delaying age-related frailty.

Try Genuine Purity NMN + NR today and see the difference!

NR (Nicotinamide Riboside)

Nicotinamide Riboside (NR) is another precursor to NAD+ and a key component of Genuine Purity NMN + NR supplements. Like NMN, NR facilitates NAD+ synthesis and supports cellular processes dependent on NAD+ availability.

NR supplementation has garnered attention for its ability to elevate NAD+ levels in various tissues, including the brain, skeletal muscles, and liver. By augmenting NAD+ pools, NR may promote mitochondrial biogenesis, enhancing cellular energy production and resilience.

Studies suggest that NR supplementation can confer benefits in mitigating age-related metabolic dysfunction, improving glucose tolerance, and preserving cognitive function. Furthermore, NR shows the potential to support cardiovascular health by promoting endothelial function and reducing oxidative stress.

Silicon Dioxide

Silicon dioxide serves as an anti-caking agent and excipient in Genuine Purity NMN + NR supplements, contributing to product stability and flowability. As an inert compound, silicon dioxide helps prevent the clumping of powder particles, ensuring uniform distribution and consistent dosing.

In addition to its role as a processing aid, silicon dioxide may possess incidental benefits in promoting bone health and connective tissue integrity.

Silicon is a trace element involved in collagen synthesis and bone mineralization, although the contribution of silicon dioxide to overall silicon intake from dietary sources is minimal.

Microcrystalline Cellulose

Microcrystalline cellulose acts as a bulking agent and tableting aid in Genuine Purity NMN + NR supplements, facilitating the formation of uniform tablets with desirable mechanical properties.

Derived from cellulose, a naturally abundant polysaccharide found in plant cell walls, microcrystalline cellulose offers inert, biocompatible properties suitable for pharmaceutical applications.

Beyond its role in product formulation, microcrystalline cellulose helps contribute to gastrointestinal health by promoting regularity and supporting the growth of beneficial gut bacteria.

As a non-digestible fiber, microcrystalline cellulose adds bulk to stool, facilitating bowel movements and aiding digestive transit.

Visit official website to learn more about Genuine Purity NMN + NR >>>

How Does Genuine Purity NMN + NR Slow Natural Aging Processes?

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(credit: PR)

Although both NMN and NR are clinically proven to promote higher production of NAD levels in the body, most brands force people to choose between them.

However, Genuine Purity NMN + NR provides both components in an equally-dosed formulation so that people can enjoy the anti-aging benefits of this supplement irrespective of which NAD precursor suits them better.

Since there aren’t many ingredients used in this supplement, we believe that it may be one of the purest NAD boosters on the market today.

Genuine Purity NMN + NR can help enhance more than 500 cellular functions by helping produce more NAD levels in the body to make its users feel younger, stronger, and healthier than ever.

How Much Does Genuine Purity NMN + NR Cost?

Although we found the pricing structure of Genuine Purity NMN + NR to be a bit on the higher end, many Genuine Purity NMN + NR reviews claim that the supplement is worth every penny. Let us check out the cost of each Genuine Purity NMN + NR package to see whether it fits your budget or not:

  • Pack of 1 bottle: It costs $89.95 and lasts for 30 days
  • Pack of 3 bottles: It costs $239.95 and lasts for 90 days
  • Pack of 6 bottles: It costs $379.95 and lasts for 180 days

  (credit: PR)
(credit: PR)

Now, let us walk you through the per-serving cost of Genuine Purity NMN + NR to help you understand exactly how much money you will be spending every time you consume this supplement:

  • 1-bottle pack ($89.95/bottle): $2.99
  • 3-bottle pack ($79.98/bottle): $2.66
  • 6-bottle pack ($63.32/bottle): $2.11

Order Genuine Purity NMN + NR today and be glad you did!

What Is The Refund Policy Of Genuine Purity NMN + NR?

If you are not satisfied with Genuine Purity NMN + NR, you can file for a refund and claim 100% of your money back. To do so, all you have to do is contact the customer service department of this brand before the period of 97 days ends on your order.

Once you use the 97-day money-back guarantee policy offered by Genuine Purity on its NMN + NR supplement, you will be asked to send your bottles (even the empty ones) back in exchange for the money you invested. Most Genuine Purity NMN + NR reviews claim that the entire refund process of this supplement is hassle-free and quick.

What Is The Recommended Dosage For Genuine Purity NMN + NR?

So, let's talk about the recommended dosage for Genuine Purity NMN + NR. If you're like us, you want to make sure you're getting the most out of your supplements without overdoing it, right?

Well, according to Genuine Purity, the recommended dosage for their Liposomal NMN + NR combo is pretty straightforward: one small vegetable cellulose capsule per day. Yep, just one little guy, preferably taken with a meal. Easy peasy.

Now, why just one capsule? Well, the idea here is to keep your body supplied with a steady stream of NMN and NR without overwhelming it. Consistency is key when it comes to supplements like these, so sticking to the recommended dose can help you see the best results over time.

It's worth mentioning that following the manufacturer's guidelines is super important.

Shop now and get Genuine Purity NMN + NR at the best price!

What Is The Best Time To Take Genuine Purity NMN + NR?

When it comes to figuring out the best time to pop those Genuine Purity NMN + NR capsules, we've done some digging. While the manufacturer doesn't pinpoint a specific hour on your clock, some research hints that mornings might be the golden window for optimal results. Yep, rise and shine with your NMN fix!

But hold on, there's more to this story. Some voices out there suggest splitting your intake between morning and afternoon sessions. That way, you're spreading that NMN goodness throughout your day. Plus, there's the option to team it up with a meal or go on an empty stomach – it's all about finding your groove.

What Features Help Genuine Purity NMN + NR Stand Out?

Although the benefits and working mechanism of Genuine Purity NMN + NR alone help it stand out among its competitors, we have to admit that it boasts several features that impressed us quite a bit.

Let us walk you through some of our favorite features of this dietary supplement to help you get a better idea as to what you might be getting yourself into:

High Levels Of Purity And Potency

The makers of Genuine Purity NMN + NR understand how important it is to avoid all forms of contamination and adulteration when it comes to manufacturing any form of NAD booster.

Hence, they made sure to follow all the relevant safety regulations while creating Genuine Purity NMN + NR - including the GMP guidelines.

Further, we loved how this brand uses only premium quality NR and NMN to help increase NAD levels in the body. Many Genuine Purity NMN + NR reviews report that this supplement induces positive results in a short duration, thanks to its uncompromised potency and purity.

Act quickly to secure the limited-time discounted price today!

Use Of Liposomal Encapsulation Technology

If you feel that your body isn’t able to enjoy the benefits of any supplement, it may be because your stomach acids destroy its ingredients before they get a chance to start working. However, the Genuine Purity NMN + NR formula comes with a unique Liposomal Encapsulation Technology to prevent this issue.

It allows this supplement’s ingredients to get absorbed quickly in the body and also resist the action of your stomach acids. According to the makers of this supplement, this technology may also help Genuine Purity NMN + NR to improve the cellular uptake of your body.

Clinically Studied Doses

No matter how powerful a supplement is, wrong or unclear doses can degrade your health in most cases. However, we found that the official website Genuine Purity NMN + NR displays how much NMN and NR have been used in this supplement, thus maintaining transparency.

You see, this supplement boasts 250 mg of NMN and NR (each), which is why it may help increase the NAD levels of your body efficiently. These core ingredients are not adulterated with any filler or unnecessary ingredients, which is why the clinically studied doses of the former can act without any disturbances among its users.

Does Genuine Purity NMN + NR Require You To Pay Shipping Charges?

The official website of Genuine Purity NMN + NR clearly states that all orders that cross the benchmark of $200 are shipped for free in the USA. However, does that mean that only specific packages will be shipped for free?

Upon comparing the Genuine Purity NMN + NR packages, we found that only one pack doesn’t seem to fit this criterion - that is, the one-bottle pack of this supplement. Both the 3 and 6-bottle packs of Genuine Purity NMN + NR cost more than $200, which is why they are shipped for free while the 1-bottle pack isn’t.


Genuine Purity's NMN + NR takes anti-aging a step further. By combining these two powerful precursors, it offers a double-whammy approach to boosting NAD+ levels, potentially amplifying the benefits of each compound.

This innovative formula stands out in the crowded field, making it a must-try for anyone seeking to optimize their health and unlock their fountain of youth. We can't wait to delve deeper and share our findings with you!

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The links contained in this product review may result in a small commission if you opt to purchase the product recommended at no additional cost to you. This goes towards supporting our research and editorial team. Please know we only recommend high-quality products.


Please understand that any advice or guidelines revealed here are not even remotely substitutes for sound medical or financial advice from a licensed healthcare provider or certified financial advisor. Make sure to consult with a professional physician or financial consultant before making any purchasing decision if you use medications or have concerns following the review details shared above. Individual results may vary and are not guaranteed as the statements regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration or Health Canada. The efficacy of these products has not been confirmed by FDA, or Health Canada approved research. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease and do not provide any kind of get-rich money scheme. Reviewer is not responsible for pricing inaccuracies. Check product sales page for final prices.

This is a sponsored article. The article should not be considered as advice.
