The Jerusalem Post

FitSpresso Customer Complaints Exposed! Shocking Ingredients Discovery Reviewed

  (photo credit: PR)
(photo credit: PR)

FitSpresso is a nutritional supplement designed to help you rapidly burn fat using a coffee-like trick.

Just take one capsule of FitSpresso daily to support powerful weight loss results. Some customers, in fact, claim to have lost as much as 61lbs within just “weeks” of taking FitSpresso for the first time. But are the FitSpresso customer complaints worthy to consider before buying? The shocking truth about the new discovery regarding the special coffee loophole ingredients may change your mind!

So does FitSpresso really work? How does the FitSpresso coffee loophole actually work? Keep reading to discover the truth behind FitSpresso and see whether or not the customer complaints being exposed will stop you from making a purchase on the official website today.

What is FitSpresso?

FitSpresso is a weight loss supplement sold exclusively online through


Normally priced at $249 per bottle, FitSpresso is priced at just $59 per bottle as part of a 2024 promotion. You can save even more by buying multiple bottles, lowering the price to just $39 per bottle.

FitSpresso was created by Mr. Hoffman, a doctor specializing in weight loss remedies. Mr. Hoffman created the original FitSpresso formula for Kristi Rivers, an ordinary woman from Ohio who wanted a reliable way to lose weight. Kristi struggled with her weight for years and tried a range of trendy weight loss programs – but nothing worked until she tried FitSpresso.

Kristi ultimately lost 67lbs of fat within “weeks” of taking FitSpresso for the first time. Plus, she kept the weight off for over a year. After her successful transformation, Kristi wanted to share her weight loss remedy with the world. Today, anyone can buy FitSpresso online to enjoy similar weight loss results.

All FitSpresso purchases come with a 180-day money-back guarantee.

FitSpresso Benefits

Some of the benefits of FitSpresso, according to the official website, include:

  • Lose 35.6lbs within weeks, or 1 to 2lbs of fat per day
  • No dieting or exercising required
  • Natural ingredients
  • Works with any type of coffee
  • Formulated by a doctor
  • Backed by 180-day moneyback guarantee

Order your supply of FitSpresso now by clicking here to start enjoying its benefits!

How Does FitSpresso Work?

FitSpresso is based on a “7-second coffee trick.” By taking one capsule of FitSpresso alongside your morning cup of coffee, you could transform your body and overall health.

The coffee trick works no matter what type of coffee you drink – regardless of whether you brew it at home, use pods, go to Starbucks, or put sugar and sweeteners in your coffee.

Kristi Rivers and the team who developed FitSpresso claim to have based their formula on research “by an elite team of UK scientists.” Those scientists discovered, for the first time, “how to trigger effortless fat-burning.”

Some weight loss supplements work in combination with a healthy diet and exercise program. FitSpresso, however, is marketed specifically to those who don’t want to diet or exercise at all.

Kristi, for example, claims she continued to eat an unhealthy diet while losing 67lbs within weeks – just by taking FitSpresso. She ate cake, pasta, brownies, and other unhealthy foods while still rapidly losing weight. Plus, she never set foot in a gym – yet she still lost a significant amount of weight.

What to Expect After Taking FitSpresso

According to the official FitSpresso website, the supplement can rapidly transform your body. Most people take it specifically for weight loss, but FitSpresso can also help with cholesterol, brain health, creativity, and more.

Here are some of the results you could experience after taking FitSpresso for the first time, according to the manufacturer:

Rapidly Lose Weight: The primary goal of FitSpresso is to help you lose weight. FitSpresso doesn’t just claim to support weight loss or complement a healthy diet and exercise program; instead, it rapidly transforms your body, helping you lose as much as 1 to 2 lbs of fat per day. Some claim to have lost 50lbs or more within weeks of taking FitSpresso. All you need to do is take one capsule of FitSpresso each morning to trigger rapid fat-burning results.

Enjoy Average Weight Loss of 35.6lbs: Mr. Hoffman claims to have completed a large clinical trial verifying FitSpresso worked. That clinical trial involved 1,600 participants. 100% of these participants lost weight, with the average weight loss being 35.6 lbs within “weeks” with no changes to diet or exercise habits. Participants simply started to take FitSpresso, and then began to rapidly lose weight.

Avoid Dieting or Exercising: FitSpresso claims to help you lose weight without dieting, exercising, or exerting any effort whatsoever. Kristi Rivers, creator of FitSpresso, claims she lost 67lbs within weeks without going to the gym once, for example. She also ate “everything” unhealthy, following a carb-heavy, sugar-rich diet – while still rapidly losing weight. The FitSpresso formula was developed based on research proving you can “trigger effortless fat-burning.” Today, anyone can take FitSpresso to purportedly lose massive amounts of weight without dieting, exercising, or exerting any effort whatsoever.

Try FitSpresso today and see the difference!

Support Healthy Blood Sugar: Many people who are overweight or obese also have problems with blood sugar. Whether you’re diabetic, pre-diabetic, or just concerned about blood sugar, FitSpresso claims to support healthy blood sugar levels.

Promote Healthy Cholesterol Levels: FitSpresso also claims to support healthy cholesterol levels. Cholesterol is a type of fat within your bloodstream, and high cholesterol levels are linked to a higher risk of cardiovascular events. By taking FitSpresso daily, you can purportedly promote healthy cholesterol levels.

Boost Energy: Some people find they’re more physically and cognitively energized after taking FitSpresso. The supplement can help you experience a surge of natural and sustained energy and focus without jitters or mid-afternoon crashes.

Boost Brain Function & Creativity: FitSpresso claims to do more than just boost cognitive function. The supplement claims to increase creativity overall. Some people find their brain feels more energized and creative after taking FitSpresso.

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(credit: PR)

Who Created FitSpresso? About Kristi Rivers

FitSpresso was created by a doctor named Mr. Hoffman. Mr. Hoffman served as an army surgeon and completed medical school before working for pharmaceutical companies.

To develop FitSpresso, Mr. Hoffman teamed up with a woman from Ohio named Kristi Rivers.

Kristi describes herself as “just a normal gal.” She lives in Akron, Ohio with her husband and two kids, working at the district clerk’s office.

Kristi had struggled with her weight for years. After giving birth to two kids, she gained weight and never lost it. She tried diet and exercise programs, following trendy weight loss guides, and did everything right – but she couldn’t lose weight.

One day at her best friend’s wedding, Kristi’s dress ripped when she was getting out of the car. The whole wedding laughed at Kristi’s humiliating incident: Kristi was “so fat that she ripped her dress,” explains Kristi in her follow-up explanation of the incident.

After the humiliating incident, Kristi started to research natural remedies for weight loss. Ultimately, she discovered a “simple, science-backed morning coffee ritual that would melt 67lbs of fat from [her] body” with help from Mr. Hoffman.

Kristi dropped 5 dress sizes within 7 weeks of taking FitSpresso. She also lost 67lbs without a strict exercise or diet routine. Kristi claims she continued to eat pasta, sundaes, pasta, hamburgers, chocolate, brownies, candy, and other unhealthy food – yet she still lost an enormous amount of weight.

After transforming her body with FitSpresso, Kristi decided to share it with the world.

Learn more on the official website >>>

Kristi Partnered with Mr. Hoffman to Create FitSpresso

Kristi partnered with a doctor named Mr. Hoffman to create FitSpresso. Kristi doesn’t claim to be a doctor, nutritionist, or medical expert. However, she does claim to have partnered with a doctor.

A friend described Mr. Hoffman as “one of the most brilliant doctors I’ve ever met.” That friend told Kristi to visit Mr. Hoffman for weight loss.

Mr. Hoffman used his medical and scientific expertise to recommend a specific blend of natural ingredients to Kristi in the form of FitSpresso. Kristi used those ingredients to lose weight, and the rest is history.

What is the Fat Paradox?

Kristi and Mr. Hoffman developed the FitSpresso formula based on something called the “fat paradox.”

Mr. Hoffman told Kristi she was struggling to lose weight because of this paradox. Here’s how it works:

  • Most doctors tell you to eat right and exercise to lose weight.
  • This advice sounds good. However, it creates a paradox.
  • When you eat less food, your metabolism slows down, and your body stops burning fat.
  • You’re training your metabolism to slow down when dieting and restricting calories.

As proof, Mr. Hoffman cites one 2006 study where a group of women lost just 2.2lbs over seven years of a diet and exercise program, suggesting dieting and exercising don’t lead to meaningful long-term weight loss results.

Because of the results of this study, Mr. Hoffman advises against eating right and exercising to lose weight; instead, he recommends taking supplements like FitSpresso while eating whatever you like and exercising as little as you like.

FitSpresso vs. the Keto Diet & Intermittent Fasting

Others try intermittent fasting or the keto diet to lose weight. However, Mr. Hoffman advises against these weight loss programs based on his expertise as a doctor.

Here’s the difference between the keto diet, intermittent fasting, and FitSpresso:

The idea behind the keto diet is to force your body to burn fat by mostly eating fat. Mr. Hoffman advises against the keto diet because it’s “so strict” and because it’s “not your body’s natural state.”

Ketosis puts your body into starvation mode, forcing it to burn fat as a backup power source. You’re artificially forcing your body into starvation mode. Mr. Hoffman claims it’s “like trying to run your house on a backup generator when you’re already plugged into the power grid,” describing it as “completely backward.”

The keto diet can also lead to health risks like a fatty liver, gout, or acidosis, among other issues.

Intermittent fasting is based on a similar problem: you’re artificially tricking your body into starvation mode, forcing it to burn fat. This can work temporarily, but it slows your metabolism long-term.

FitSpresso Is On Sale Now For A Limited Time!

FitSpresso Activates Circadian Rhythm in Fat Cells

Your body has a circadian rhythm that dictates when you feel tired. According to Mr. Hoffman’s research, your fat cells have a similar circadian rhythm.

FitSpresso works by taking advantage of the circadian rhythm of your fat cells. By activating this circadian rhythm, FitSpresso can make it easier to lose weight at the cellular level, signaling your cells to burn fat 24/7.

Here’s how FitSpresso works to activate circadian rhythm and lose weight, according to Mr. Hoffman and his team:

“…it works with your body’s natural circadian rhythm to keep your fat-burning window open 24/7 and electrify your metabolism to burn off fat…”

The idea behind fat cell circadian rhythm is simple. Like our bodies, our fat cells have a natural circadian rhythm. They “wake up” and “sleep” based on this circadian rhythm:

Your fat cells have a circadian rhythm that dictates their sleep and wake cycles.

Research shows fat cells go through different “shifts” throughout the day based on their natural circadian rhythm.

Each cell has a biological clock, or circadian rhythm, that dictates when it starts and ends a certain shift.

At some times of day, your cells enter a fat-burning state based on their circadian rhythm.

The makers of FitSpresso claim every fat cell “has a total of 727 ‘clock genesthat control this [circadian] rhythm.” These genes control “five cellular ‘fat clocks’,” and those fat clocks signal your body to burn or store fat.

The goal of FitSpresso is to keep your fat cells in a fat-burning state – not a fat-storing state – for as long as possible. The natural ingredients in FitSpresso keep your fat cells in the optimal metabolic window for fat burning, making weight loss easy.

By syncing your fat cells’ biological clocks together, you can purportedly lose weight without dieting, exercising, or exerting any effort whatsoever, according to Mr. Hoffman and the FitSpresso team:

“…when your body is inside this metabolic window…burning fat becomes effortless.”

Even if you’re eating an unhealthy diet and avoiding exercise, you can purportedly lose enormous amounts of weight in a short period just by taking one capsule of FitSpresso daily, according to the official website.

How Coffee Helps with Fat Burning

How do you optimize the circadian rhythm of your fat cells? How can you signal your cells to stay in fat-burning mode as long as possible?

Mr. Hoffman conducted extensive research and found coffee was the best natural way to keep your cells in fat-burning mode.

Here’s how Mr. Hoffman explains the benefits of coffee for fat burning:

  • “There’s a reason why coffee has been scientifically proven to help people lose weight…Coffee creates the potential for the perfect metabolic environment inside your body.”
  • Simply drinking coffee, however, won’t cause you to lose weight rapidly. Instead, you need to give coffee a “push” to optimize fat burning. That’s where FitSpresso comes in.

FitSpresso Ingredients

FitSpresso contains a synergistic blend of ingredients that work with coffee to boost its metabolic effect, turning the pilot light of coffee into a fat-burning inferno.

Combining the ingredients in FitSpresso with the natural compounds in coffee can unlock powerful fat-burning effects. Mr. Hoffman describes it as “super synergy,” and he handpicked the ingredients for their synergistic effects.

Here are all of the active ingredients in FitSpresso and how they work for fat burning, according to the makers of FitSpresso:

Super Synergy Ingredient #1: CGA: CGA is a molecule naturally present within the coffee bean. It’s linked to powerful fat-burning effects and inflammation. Unfortunately, coffee loses this molecule during the roasting process. There’s plenty of CGA in the raw, fresh coffee berry. By the time that coffee bean is used for brewing coffee, however, little CGA is remaining. To justify the use of CGA, Mr. Hoffman cites one study where women taking CGA “lost 585% more weight than the control group,” suggesting CGA can quintuple fat-burning effectiveness when taken on its own. CGA is also known as chlorogenic acid.

Super Synergy Ingredient #2: L-Carnitine: L-carnitine is an amino acid found in energy-boosting supplements, pre-workout formulas, fat burners, and more. Mr. Hoffman added L-carnitine to FitSpresso because it’s a “metabolic compound” and a “transport molecule” that helps other ingredients – and the natural ingredients in coffee – activate fat burning. L-carnitine also helps with fat burning, and Mr. Hoffman cites one study where L-carnitine “resulted in a whopping 414% increase in total-body fat burning,” electrifying your metabolism and incinerating fat.

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Super Synergy Ingredient #3: EGCG: Epigallocatechin gallate, or EGCG, is naturally present in green tea. Green tea has a long history of use throughout China and Japan. Some drink it daily for inflammation, while others take it for energy, fat-burning, and weight loss. According to Mr. Hoffman’s research, EGCG works with coffee, CGA, and L-carnitine “to keep your natural ‘fat-burning window’ open longer, so you can burn fat all day long.” To achieve this effect, EGCG stops the chemical process that causes your fat-burning window to close in the first place. EGCG aims to keep your fat-burning window open as long as possible. Plus, EGCG increases dopamine, the “happy molecule” linked to satiety and appetite control.

Super Synergy Ingredient #4: Chromium: FitSpresso contains chromium, an essential mineral in hundreds of processes throughout the human body. Chromium shuttles “more than 47% of the carbs you eat to be burned as energy,” according to Mr. Hoffman, which is why he sees it as a valuable fat-burning mineral. Studies show chromium can help boost fat burning, balance blood sugar, and decrease overall fat, among other benefits. Some people take chromium daily for blood sugar and appetite control, while others take it for powerful fat-burning results.

Super Synergy Ingredient #5: L-Theanine: Naturally present in green tea, L-theanine is an amino acid linked to alpha brain wave activity and “calm focus.” Some people take L-theanine daily to boost cognition. Others take it for fat burning and energy. The L-theanine in FitSpresso supercharges focus, elevates mood and creativity, increases productivity, and cuts down on jitters and anxiety, according to Mr. Hoffman. Many people also take L-theanine as part of a stack with caffeine because it nullifies the unwanted side effects of caffeine, allowing you to enjoy the active effects without the downsides. If the caffeine in coffee makes you jittery and unfocused, then the L-theanine in FitSpresso could help.

What to Expect After Taking FitSpresso: Kristi’s Weight Loss Experience

Kristi was the first person to take Mr. Hoffman’s FitSpresso formula. She needed to lose weight, but diet and exercise weren’t working, so she took FitSpresso instead.

Here’s what happened to Kristi when she took FitSpresso for the first time:

  • The first morning after taking FitSpresso, Kristi had already lost 2lbs.
  • A few days later, Kristi had lost 3lbs, then 5lbs, then 7lbs.
  • Kristi describes her weight loss process as “almost effortless,” claiming she lost weight without visiting a gym, performing a single sit-up, or controlling her diet whatsoever. Kristi said she “didn’t exercise…and still the weight just kept falling right off.”
  • Over the next few weeks, Kristi lost 7lbs, then 26lbs, then 43lbs while taking FitSpresso daily – all without any exercise or controlling her diet. She ate whatever she liked, avoided any exercise, and lost an enormous amount of weight quickly.
  • Kristi found FitSpresso worked better when she ate unhealthy foods. She claims to have eaten pizza, pasta, ice cream, French fries, and burgers, for example, because they kept her “metabolism in overdrive.”

Kristi’s husband, Scott, was impressed by his wife’s weight loss and started to take FitSpresso. He quickly lost 20lbs with the formula.

Get FitSpresso for the best price today!

Scientific Evidence for FitSpresso: The FitSpresso Clinical Trial

Kristi and Scott Rivers were the first to take an early trial version of FitSpresso.

Both lost an enormous amount of weight in a short period of time without dieting or exercising. However, the pair wanted to test the formula on subjects to verify the effects.

Mr. Hoffman conducted a formal clinical trial on FitSpresso to verify its weight loss effects. Here’s how that trial worked:

  • Mr. Hoffman recruited more than 1,600 men and women to test FitSpresso. It was one of the largest weight loss trials in supplement industry history.
  • Mr. Hoffman asked participants to track their weight, energy, mood, and 27 other variables while taking FitSpresso daily.
  • Participants were told to make no changes to their diet or exercise habits. They continued exercising (or not exercising) as they were before taking FitSpresso. In other words, the only thing that changed their life was FitSpresso.
  • After just 1 week of taking FitSpresso, many participants had already lost significant weight.
  • After just a few weeks of taking FitSpresso, “every single person [100% of participants] had reported significant weight loss.”
  • According to Mr. Hoffman, the average participant lost “35.6 lbs…in just a few weeks” while taking FitSpresso without changing their diet or exercise habits. He described the results as “extraordinary.”
  • Although Mr. Hoffman declined to publish the trial in a peer-reviewed medical journal, he’s confident his formula can help anyone lose significant weight as it did for the 1,600 participants in the trial.

As further proof, Mr. Hoffman cites studies on individual ingredients in FitSpresso, including studies published in peer-reviewed medical journals. One recent study showed green tea extract, for example, was rich with both L-theanine and EGCG, which could help you lose 2 to 4 lbs of fat over 16 weeks.

FitSpresso contains both L-theanine and EGCG. Although that’s much less fat-burning than the 35.6lbs within weeks advertised by Mr. Hoffman, it shows some of the ingredients in FitSpresso are linked to powerful results.

Overall, no formal evidence shows FitSpresso led to 35.6 lbs of weight loss in weeks without dieting or exercising. However, some ingredients could help promote weight loss with a healthy diet and exercise program.

You won't find a better deal on FitSpresso anywhere else!

FitSpresso Reviews: How Much Weight Can You Lose?

The official FitSpresso website is filled with testimonials from customers who have lost significant weight in a short period while taking FitSpresso.

Some claim to have lost 1 to 2 lbs daily with FitSpresso, for example. Others claim to have burned away fat with zero dieting, exercising, or effort.

Here are some of the reviews shared by verified buyers on the official website:

According to the FitSpresso clinical trial, which involved 1,600 participants, the supplement helped 100% of participants lose weight, with the average reported weight loss being 35.6lbs within just “weeks” of taking the supplement for the first time. Participants reported no other changes to diet or lifestyle habits.

Another customer claims she has “lost 70lbs with this” while also dropping 7 inches from her waistline, claiming she feels “absolutely amazing.”

Another customer “lost 10 dress sizes and 163lbs” while taking FitSpresso, finding the formula changed her life.

One woman claims to have “lost 34lbs” with FitSpresso, claiming the formula changed her life.

FitSpresso Pricing

FitSpresso is normally priced at $249 per bottle. However, Mr. Hoffman and his team have discounted the price of FitSpresso to just $69 as part of a 2024 promotion.

Here’s how pricing works when ordering FitSpresso online today:

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(credit: PR)
  • 1 Bottle: $59 + $9.99 Shipping
  • 3 Bottles: $147 ($49 Per Bottle) + Free Shipping
  • 6 Bottles: $234 ($39 Per Bottle) + Free Shipping

Each bottle contains a 30-day supply of FitSpresso, or 30 capsules (30 servings). You take one capsule daily with your morning coffee to rapidly lose weight.

Order FitSpresso today and be glad you did!

FitSpresso Refund Policy

FitSpresso has a 180-day money-back guarantee. If you're unhappy, you have 180 days to request a refund on FitSpresso. Contact the manufacturer within 180 days.

About FitSpresso

FitSpresso is manufactured in the United States in an FDA-registered, GMP-certified facility.

You can contact the makers of FitSpresso and the company’s customer service team via the following:

  • Phone: 1-877-607-7721
  • Email:

Final Word

FitSpresso is a doctor-formulated nutritional supplement designed to complement your morning cup of coffee to maximize daily fat burning.

Taking one capsule of FitSpresso daily with your morning cup of coffee can help you lose 1 to 2 lbs daily without dieting or exercising. According to Mr. Hoffman, the doctor who created FitSpresso, the average person lost 35.6lbs within weeks while taking FitSpresso without changes to their diet or exercise routine, based on the results of a trial involving 1,600 people.

To learn more about FitSpresso or to buy the popular weight loss supplement today, visit the official website.

Affiliate Disclosure:

The links contained in this product review may result in a small commission if you opt to purchase the product recommended at no additional cost to you. This goes towards supporting our research and editorial team. Please know we only recommend high-quality products.


Please understand that any advice or guidelines revealed here are not even remotely substitutes for sound medical or financial advice from a licensed healthcare provider or certified financial advisor. Make sure to consult with a professional physician or financial consultant before making any purchasing decision if you use medications or have concerns following the review details shared above. Individual results may vary and are not guaranteed as the statements regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration or Health Canada. The efficacy of these products has not been confirmed by FDA, or Health Canada approved research. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease and do not provide any kind of get-rich money scheme. Reviewer is not responsible for pricing inaccuracies. Check product sales page for final prices.

This is a sponsored article. The article should not be considered as advice.
