The Jerusalem Post

One should live in Tel Aviv - and one should live in this dream apartment

  Chen Hefetz design - courtesy of Artpro (photo credit: IDAN GUR)
Chen Hefetz design - courtesy of Artpro
(photo credit: IDAN GUR)

Only 50 square meters on two levels + balcony - but what a gem

  • Interior design: Chen Hefetz
  • Photographer: Idan Gor
  • Courtesy of Artpro developers
  • The apartment is 50 square meters on two levels + 30 square meters balcony

The apartment is located in the center of Tel Aviv on one of the streets overlooking the sea in a building full of glass facades that bring the urban landscape into it. The area of the apartment is about 50 square meters on two levels + 30 square meters roof terrace. On the ground floor is the bedroom, on the top floor is the public space, which includes a kitchen, guest services and a wonderful roof terrace.

  Chen Hefetz design - courtesy of Artpro (credit: IDAN GUR)
Chen Hefetz design - courtesy of Artpro (credit: IDAN GUR)

The tenant's request from the designer Chen Hefetz to return at the end of a working day to a pampering home, which will remind her of her travels in the world and interweave special items she has collected over the years. Asked to keep a modern and clean design.

  Chen Hefetz design - courtesy of Artpro (credit: IDAN GUR)
Chen Hefetz design - courtesy of Artpro (credit: IDAN GUR)

Since the apartment is not large, and not standard, Hefetz made sure to plan design solutions in order to suit the needs and requests of the tenant. In the meantime, each and every space received extreme care and meticulous care, starting with infrastructure work and ending with the selection of furniture, its placement, and finally the dressing of the house. The renovation itself took about six months.

  Chen Hefetz design - courtesy of Artpro (credit: IDAN GUR)
Chen Hefetz design - courtesy of Artpro (credit: IDAN GUR)

A space was designed on the bedroom floor, which will allow for a ventilated and luxurious space. The developers were designed together with the Artpro company, and were replaced with stylish Belgian windows that maximized the entry of sunlight into the space.

 Chen Hefetz design - courtesy of Artpro (credit: IDAN GUR)
Chen Hefetz design - courtesy of Artpro (credit: IDAN GUR)

Even on the upper, public floor, huge developers were designed with the company Artpro, which is responsible for the chic iron profiles of the windows. The kitchen has been redesigned, and it is surrounded by huge developers that create a wonderful mix between the inside and the outside. The kitchen was designed with clean lines, in dark gray tones with open wooden compartments. The kitchen is utilized in such a way that it flows outside as well, making maximum use of the balcony. Meanwhile, sitting on the island is possible both inside the living space and on the outside of the balcony, thanks to the special pistons of the Belgian windows that allow full opening.

  Chen Hefetz design - courtesy of Artpro (credit: IDAN GUR)
Chen Hefetz design - courtesy of Artpro (credit: IDAN GUR)

The balcony has been very cleverly redesigned, and it includes many treats, including an abundance of vegetation, a jacuzzi and a tub.

Each of its sides allows for different uses: in one part, built-in planters are used for plants and trees, in the left part for formal seating, and in the right part there is a chaise longue sofa and further on stairs that go up to the jacuzzi. On the guest floor, the designer planned a magical and luxurious sitting area, surrounded by specially designed Belgian windows. An intimate and wonderful place for the tenant to read books, watch the Tel Aviv landscape and entertain.

  Chen Hefetz design - courtesy of Artpro / (credit: IDAN GUR)
Chen Hefetz design - courtesy of Artpro / (credit: IDAN GUR)

When entering the house we meet in a foyer space. Further down the foyer is a specially designed corner with an antique radio, a light fixture and works of art. At the end of the foyer are two Belgian profile doors with semi-transparent striped glass that open to the suite. There is a huge mirror that blurs the interior and exterior of the suite. On the left, another door with a Belgian profile leads us to the bathroom, where a black hanging sink with a black faucet is located. The walls are covered with light plaster that continue the clean design of the space.

 Chen Hefetz design - courtesy of Artpro  (credit: IDAN GUR)
Chen Hefetz design - courtesy of Artpro (credit: IDAN GUR)

In the open suite, a transparent closet was designed, also with a peripheral iron profile and transparent doors.

 Chen Hefetz design - courtesy of Artpro (credit: IDAN GUR)
Chen Hefetz design - courtesy of Artpro (credit: IDAN GUR)

Next to the suite is a shower room with an open door along its length, also of course with a black Belgian profile, and on its outer side a planter with bamboo vegetation that allows complete privacy.

