The Jerusalem Post

Until they return home: sustainable furniture for bad kibbutz evacuees

 Visualization of the public space for the evacuees (photo credit: Shenkar PR)
Visualization of the public space for the evacuees
(photo credit: Shenkar PR)

As part of a collaboration between Studio MOLET and Shenkar, a students from the interior design department upgraded and designed the temporary complexes that were set up for evacuees from the south.

A unique collaboration of the MOLET studio with female students from the Space-Identity-Society course, of the interior design department in Shenkar.

As part of the collaboration, the temporary (private as well as public) evacuees of Kibbutz Ra'im, which are currently in towers in south Tel Aviv, underwent upgrading and design work. Those who guide the course on behalf of Shenkar are Sigal Bernir and Petah Aloni, on behalf of "Moult" Menchaim Eli Sa'ar (designer industrial) and Ariel Gutesman (architect).

 Piazza for bad evacuees (credit: SHENKAR COLLEGE)
Piazza for bad evacuees (credit: SHENKAR COLLEGE)

As part of the collaboration, the female students came to "Moult" every week with sketches, ideas and design solutions, where the guiding line is sustainable design and the basis of the entire design is the use of modernized loading surfaces. Also, the selected furniture items will be produced socially with the participation of the students themselves, the kibbutz evacuees and other teams that will come to the company's impact workshops. As part of such a workshop, 100 participants from "Vix" built furniture for the balconies of the evacuees. At the end of the month there will be another workshop, this time for the female students and community of Reim, where they are expected to build part of the piazza.

Public space, widespread cooperation (credit: SHENKAR COLLEGE)
Public space, widespread cooperation (credit: SHENKAR COLLEGE)

Studio MOLET, a combination of the words MODulate your palette, is a home for creations from recycled wood and sustainable design. The studio offers a new way of thinking about furniture. A way that combines sustainability with modularity, using upgraded wooden surfaces that have finished their official function. The studio brings together architects, graphic designers and industrial designers, who together produce furniture that anyone can build themselves.

Over the past year, the directors of "Moult" have been receiving managerial mentoring from Ogen, a non-profit social credit organization that helps thousands of small businesses and associations in Israel, with an array of more than 1,300 volunteers all over the country.

