The Jerusalem Post

Artificial intelligence for everyone: ChatGPT from today

 The artificial intelligence robot. "Human" link operation  (photo credit: OpenAI)
The artificial intelligence robot. "Human" link operation
(photo credit: OpenAI)

The OpenAI company now allows any user to browse the free basic version of the artificial intelligence chat, without the need for registration.

From today you can get a little more artificial intelligence more easily: the company OpenAI has announced that it will allow the use of the artificial intelligence chat without the need for registration. Previously, the company required users to create an account, a long process that requires authentication and re-login with a username and password.

Since its launch in November 2022, the AI chat has become a helper for millions around the world, and it comes in a free version that gives relatively short basic answers and limited options, and a more advanced and professional paid version. However, as mentioned, even the free version required a rather short registration and reconnection every time you log in again.

As of this morning, browsing even in the free version is direct and does not go through the registration pages. Opponents of the procedure claimed today that by doing so the company cancels the "content protection measures" to which it committed in the disclaimer, and also allows the use of the chat by children. Other claims in the network also referred to the misuse of artificial intelligence for malicious or false publications which may expand now that user control has been removed.

In the meantime, the OpenAI company said that the connection-free version of the artificial intelligence is not yet available to everyone but will arrive soon: "We are gradually spreading the possibility with the aim of making artificial intelligence accessible to anyone who is curious about its capabilities."

 GPT chat. direct entry (credit: OpenAI)
GPT chat. direct entry (credit: OpenAI)

About two weeks ago, the OpenAI company presented the amazing capabilities of the artificial intelligence robot that is able to conduct a conversation, connect sentences and perform actions with context and "human" logic. The robot known as figure 01 has shiny metallic armor and its body consists of joints that give the fingers, shoulders, arms, head and legs varied angles of movement. Each hand has four fingers and a thumb, while the feet lack toes.

The robot weighs 60 kilograms and is able to carry about 20 kilograms and move at a speed of 1.2 meters per second (about 4.5 km/h). The robot is able to hold full conversations with humans and even understand subtitles and analyze pictures it takes around it, using a network similar to the human nervous system which transmits data and analyzes it quickly.

In the video you can watch the model asking the robot: "What do you see now," in a few seconds the robot answered accurately about what was happening around him: "I see a red apple in the center of the table, plates and a glass, and you are standing next to me with your hand on the table".

Now the demonstrator says to him: "Can I eat something?" And the robot replied: "Of course" while handing him the apple. The waiter empties a trash can at him and replies: "Great. Can you explain why you did what you did?" . After a few seconds, the robot began to collect the trash into a basket while replying to him: "I gave you the apple because it is the only edible thing I can provide you from the table."
