The Jerusalem Post

PeoplePerHour Review – Is It Better Than the Alternatives?

  (photo credit: PR)
(photo credit: PR)

PeoplePerHour is a big player that connects freelancers with clients in different industries. This review is like a guide, helping freelancers and employers understand what PeoplePerHour all is about and how it can help or pose challenges. We’ll also explore how it is different than Fiverr, another popular freelance marketplace, and see which one of the two is a better option for both freelancers and clients. 

Freelancers on PeoplePerHour face common problems like tough competition, setting the right prices, and making sure they get paid on time. In this review, we look at how PeoplePerHour tries to solve these problems. We will talk about things freelancers can do to improve their chances, like making a good profile and writing effective proposals. The goal is to help freelancers make the most out of PeoplePerHour.

Employers want a platform that connects them with skilled freelancers easily. PeoplePerHour promises to be that platform, but does it make things easy for employers? 

We will review the PeoplePerHour for hiring, managing projects, and ensuring quality work. This way, businesses can see if PeoplePerHour is the right fit for them or Fiverr is more helpful in making freelance collaborations smooth.


Exploring PeoplePerHour: Why It Matters

In the world of freelancing, PeoplePerHour is like a big meeting place where skilled freelancers and businesses come together. It is important because it gives freelancers a chance to show off their talents and helps businesses find the right people for their projects. PeoplePerHour is like a matchmaker, making it easier for freelancers to find work and for businesses to connect with talented professionals. In a time where work is changing, PeoplePerHour is a helpful tool that brings freelancers and businesses together, making it easier for everyone to find success in the world of freelancing.

On PeoplePerHour, freelancers can make a profile to show off their skills and experience. They can add pictures of their work and decide how much they want to get paid. If they see a job they like, they can talk to the person hiring through messages. For businesses, it is simple too. They just need to post what they need, and how much they will pay, and they can find the right person for the job. PeoplePerHour also makes sure freelancers get paid securely. They have tools like a work diary to keep track of hours and milestones, making it easy for both freelancers and businesses to work together.

Setting Up Your PeoplePerHour Profile: Easy Steps for Freelancers

Making a profile on PeoplePerHour is like making an online resume, and it is super simple. First, sign up on the website. After that, make your profile stand out by talking about what you are good at and sharing your work experience. Don't be shy—add a nice picture of yourself! Show off the cool projects you have done in the past by creating a portfolio.

Here's a tip: let people know how much you want to get paid for your work, either per hour or for a whole project. This helps businesses understand your value. Once your profile is ready, you are all set to explore exciting freelancing opportunities and connect with people who need your skills. Making a PeoplePerHour profile is the key to opening doors to new and exciting work!

Advantages of Having a PeoplePerHour Profile: Making Freelancing Work for You

Be Seen Easily: 

Your profile on PeoplePerHour is like an online resume, showing off your skills and experience. This makes it simple for businesses to find you and see what you are great at.


Grow Your Network: 

On PeoplePerHour, finding jobs is like meeting new friends. When you tell everyone about the things you are good at in your profile, businesses that need your skills can easily find you. It is like opening a door to new chances to work on cool projects. Plus, as you talk to different employers, you make more friends in your job field. These friends can help you find even more work, making your network bigger and more exciting. So, being on PeoplePerHour is not just about getting jobs; it's about making new friends who bring you awesome job opportunities!

Show You're Trustworthy: 

On PeoplePerHour, getting paid is straightforward. Once you finish a job, the platform ensures you get your money securely and on time. You don't have to worry about chasing payments or wondering when you will get your earnings. The process is designed to give freelancers peace of mind, so they can focus on doing great work without any payment hassles.

When you complete a project, the agreed-upon amount is transferred to you through a secure payment system. You can easily track your hours worked and milestones achieved, making it crystal clear how much you are earning. This way, PeoplePerHour not only connects you with exciting opportunities but also ensures a hassle-free and secure payment process, making your freelancing experience smooth and reliable.

Easy Communication: 

PeoplePerHour makes it easy to talk to the people who might hire you. They have a messaging system, which is like sending a quick message to a friend. This way, you can quickly find out what the job is about and discuss how you can help. It's like chatting to make sure you both understand each other, making everything easy and stress-free.

Just think of it as sending a text or an email. You can ask questions, share your ideas, and make sure you are a good fit for the job. This direct chat on PeoplePerHour helps you and the employer work together, making it a fast and convenient way to make sure you are perfect for the job. So, with the messaging system, connecting with employers and understanding project details is as simple as having a friendly talk.

Peace of Mind with Payments:

If you are worried about getting paid, PeoplePerHour takes care of it. They make sure your is safe and arrives on time. This means freelancers, like you, don't have to stress money about payments. You can just focus on doing your best work without any payment worries. Having a PeoplePerHour profile not only shows off what you can do but also makes freelancing easy and dependable. It's like having a smooth ride where you can enjoy your work without any payment hassles.

Disadvantages of PeoplePerHour

While it offers numerous benefits, there are also several cons associated with using the platform:

High Competition:

One of the biggest challenges on PeoplePerHour, as with many freelancing platforms, is the high level of competition. This can make it difficult, especially for new freelancers, to secure jobs and build a clientele.

Service Fees:

 PeoplePerHour charges a service fee on each project. This fee can be a significant percentage of the earnings, especially for smaller projects, which can be a downside for freelancers.

Limited Job Opportunities: Depending on your skill set and niche, there may be limited job opportunities available. This is particularly true for highly specialized or niche skills.

Payment Delays: 

There can sometimes be delays in payments, which can be a concern for freelancers relying on timely payments for their financial stability.

Quality of Projects:

 Some freelancers have reported that the quality of projects on the platform can be variable, with some projects offering lower rates or having unrealistic expectations.

Profile Approval and Visibility: 

Getting your profile approved can be challenging, and once approved, there's the challenge of making your profile visible enough to attract clients, which often requires a lot of initial unpaid effort and marketing.

Dispute Resolution:

 While PeoplePerHour offers a dispute resolution system, some users have reported that it can be challenging to resolve disputes, especially in cases where project requirements were not clearly defined.

Communication Challenges: 

As with any online platform, there can be communication challenges, especially when working with clients from different time zones.

Fiverr - a Global Hub for Freelancers and Businesses

Fiverr is one of the leading online marketplaces that have changed how business and individuals' access to freelance service. Established back in 2010, this platform has grown to be a global center where talented professionals provide a broad scope of service to its clients across the world.

Of course, what makes it much better is the relative ease of use provided by the Fiverr platform, together with the transparent pricing available to the customers. It is possible to get services within a wide range of offers, from graphic design and copywriting to programming and digital marketing.

Fiverr vs. PeoplePerHour

PeoplePerHour and Fiverr both have their own merits, though Fiverr often shines through as a preferred choice by many for its broader base of users, the more diverse set of services it offers, and its easier-to-use interface.

Here's a comprehensive comparison between the two platforms so you can understand why Fiverr may be the preferred option.



Service Diversity

Fiverr offers a variety of services, ranging from graphic design to writing, programming, digital marketing, voiceovers, and astrology readings. The platform caters to a broad range of industries and niches.

PeoplePerHour's scope is narrower than Fiverr with more emphasis on web development, design, and marketing services. 

User Base

Fiverr has a large global user base, so you'll have a wide variety of freelancers to choose from. You can often find high-quality work at competitive prices and quick turnaround times. 

PeoplePerHour's user base is smaller, which might limit your options when searching for a specific service provider.

Ease of Use

Fiverr's user interface is known for its simplicity and ease of use. Both clients and freelancers can navigate the platform, find services, and communicate effectively.

While PeoplePerHour is user-friendly, some users find it less convenient than Fiverr.

Pricing Structure

Clients can budget and compare prices on Fiverr easily as it offers transparent pricing with fixed rates for many services. Custom offers can also be negotiated.

In PeoplePerHour, there is more negotiation and hourly rates, which can lead to unpredictability and cost overruns.

Seller Quality and Ratings

The strong rating and review system on Fiverr ensures clients get the best freelancers. It's easier to find the top-rated sellers with a proven track record.

Some freelancers may not have as many reviews and ratings available on PeoplePerHour due to its smaller user base.

Customer Support

Fiverr has a responsive customer support system that addresses issues or disputes promptly.

PeoplePerHour's customer service is generally helpful but less responsive and prompt than Fiverr's.

Final words 

As a summary, we think that while both PeoplePerHour and Fiverr are reputable platforms for hiring freelancers, Fiverr seems to be the platform of choice owing to its larger and more diverse user base, user-friendly interface, transparent pricing, and stronger seller quality and rating system than PeoplePerHour. 

The platform combines diversity, transparency, and quality assurance, ensuring the clients have reliable and efficient ways to access top talent. Though both platforms hold value, Fiverr remains frontrunner in catering always to the needs of both the wide range of clients and freelancers.

This is a sponsored article. The article should not be considered as advice.
