The Jerusalem Post

PVML hiring AI platform development staff

  (photo credit: INGIMAGE)
(photo credit: INGIMAGE)

PVML recruits experienced Frontend and Backend developers to enhance its secure organizational data access platform, combining privacy and AI principles.

After completing a $8 million seed funding round, PVML is hiring experienced Frontend and Backend developers to further develop its platform enabling secure access to organizational data. The platform integrates two key principles: differential privacy and artificial intelligence.

"Reducing data access threats and maximizing data monetization opportunities simultaneously sounds too good to be true - but it is. The painful point we wanted to address originally was improving data access processes that have so far mainly relied on cumbersome, expensive, and outdated anonymization methods. The motivation came from our personal experience, which showed us how inefficient it could be, even in the most sophisticated organizations. We were convinced there had to be a better way," said PVML co-founder and CEO, Shachar Schnapp.

Often it is said that "Data is the new oil." Is it really so? Every organization processing data understands the challenges related to privacy. Security challenges in accessing organizational data not only pose a threat to the organization but also hinder business opportunities. The clearest among them is adopting AI for decision-making. Data shows that about 51% of organizations still haven't adopted AI at all (or have adopted it in a limited way), with 56% of them citing security and privacy as major barriers.

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"Helping organizations gain full control and oversight in one place" PVML provides a comprehensive solution allowing access to all organizational databases, opening up real-time insights - even from the most sensitive data - without exposing private data or moving information out of the organizational environment. The company was selected by global Intel to participate in the Intel Ignite acceleration program.

The basis for this capability is the unique data protection approach offered by the company, based on the principle of differential privacy. This is a mathematical framework that provides the strongest data protection in data-driven systems by adding controlled noise to the output without changing or moving the data itself, making the solution feasible and scalable. Through its unique implementation, PVML enables open access to this groundbreaking infrastructure, which has so far been used by pioneers such as Google, Apple, and Microsoft.

  (credit: Liad Deri)
(credit: Liad Deri)

"We help organizations gain full control and oversight in one place, without the need to change or move data. PVML secures and controls permissions regardless of how data is accessed - whether through SQL queries, BI tools, or API access, allowing users to work with data as they have been accustomed to until now. So we thought - why stop there? And we decided to take another step forward. We developed the option to grant access to complex data for end-users with no technical background, offering a natural language interface for data analysis through artificial intelligence," said PVML co-founder and CTO, Rina Galperin.

"70% of stock market transactions today are made by artificial intelligence. This is just the tip of the iceberg of the imminent future, and organizations adopting artificial intelligence today will be one step ahead of everyone tomorrow. However, companies are hesitant to connect their data to artificial intelligence, for good reason. PVML's unique technology creates an invisible layer of protection and enables democratization of data access for purposes such as today's analytics and monetization, while paving the way for tomorrow," said Gigi Levy-Weiss, General Partner and Founder of NFX.
