The Jerusalem Post

The Motiverse app shifts gears

  (photo credit: AI)
(photo credit: AI)

The Motiverse app, an innovative solution for anxiety using virtual reality, is nearing completion. It aims to lessen reliance on other rehab services.

The events of the 7th of October put an entire country into a state of mind that we had never known before. According to studies, about a fifth of the adult population suffers from symptoms such as post-traumatic stress disorder, and 1 out of every 5 children in Israel suffers from anxiety symptoms, a direct continuation of a trend that has also strengthened over the years and the reasons for this are varied.

Considering the fact that, according to estimates, there are currently over 60,000 manic-depressive (bipolar disorder) patients and over 80,000 schizophrenia patients living in Israel, the cumulative burden on the state's rehabilitation services leads to the collapse of the system that is unable to cope with the cumulative amount of those in need For help here and now.

Oren Segal, 24 years old, who has been living with schizophrenia for several years, decided even earlier that he was tired of relying on the state's rehabilitation services since he did not find them effective for him, decided to take action for him and for many others who are dealing with various mental problems. Thanks to a developed and creative head and with the help of collaborations with leading professionals in their field, he developed a unique application called Motiverse, whose role is to help those dealing with mental problems to be much more independent so that they can help themselves overcome some of the symptoms.

So it doesn't matter if you or others have difficulty emotionally or mentally dealing with the events of the war, the fear of the future, or carry with you a heavy journey from years past, the application allows you to deal with all of these in an innovative and unique way.


"The technology we use in the application is based on virtual reality"

When everyone who uses it actually deals with their anxieties in a personalized way and there is no lack of such and such anxieties. Naturally, each anxiety is expressed in different intensities between one and the other, but it is usually the same fears that many suffer from. Starting with stress from staying in closed places, the difficulty of dealing with many people around, panic attacks that come out of nowhere, the difficulty of talking even with strangers and more"

According to Oren Segal, if these fears are not treated and dealt with, there is a chance that they will get worse, and instead of depending on what the state can grant or pay huge sums for psychological or psychiatric treatment, the Motiversee application offers another option that can help those who need help.

"The Motiverse app actually makes it possible to talk to other people who are experiencing exactly the same difficulties. This is a method of work that many use, support groups, only this time everything is done virtually. In these groups, you can vent, share, consult and even give advice to others, whether it is a virtual character One or a group of people and everything according to your personal choice. In some cases you can even talk to a real character who also uses the application. I can testify from my personal experience that it has promoted me and helped me deal with my difficulties in a way that I did not experience before.

Oren Segal began the project of his life over a year ago, and these days the revolutionary idea he created in his mind has gone through another stage in its technological development.

We will continue to follow and update on the final stage, and it is impossible not to be curious about an application that can make an unprecedented revolution in the way many deal with such and other fears.


For more details, go to Motiverse's Facebook page

*This content does not constitute a professional opinion, a recommendation, a substitute for consulting an expert or receiving medical advice.

The article was written in collaboration with Motiverse
