The Jerusalem Post

Happy life after age 40: Three successful women reveal everything

  (photo credit: PR)
(photo credit: PR)

Realizing the mistakes they made when they were young, thanking the family for the good and the bad and looking forward without fear - the women's movement that changes reality.

How good it is to be at a stage in life where we realize that not only do we not have to hide our age, but we can celebrate it - be proud of the years we have passed and above all remember to thank ourselves for who we have become, thanks to the women we were. This is also the thought behind the #BECAUSEOFMYAGE movement from Estee Lauder, a movement that celebrates women who are in the middle of life, at a stage where they look excitedly towards the future, but do not forget the achievements, successes and failures that were part of their path and made them the women they are today.

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(credit: PR)

The Revitalizing Supreme+ care series that the participants use is intended for those women in the middle of life, and was adapted to them so that they can maintain their facial skin in the best and most efficient way. The new world allows women to enjoy their age and look with sober eyes at the exciting new things they choose to do - be it hobbies, work or new experiences, which they might not have dared to do when they were younger.

In the panel we meet three inspiring women. The first is Ariela Wertheimer, artist, philanthropist, fashion icon and also "Maya Wertheimer's mother" (and Asia's grandmother, of course). Ariela is joined by Maayan Ben Zion - a coach who specializes in coaching processes and changes the lives of thousands of people every day and Sharon Levy Ofari, director of Earned Media in the Estee Lauder group of companies. All of them stop for a moment to appreciate their place in life in a different way - one that invites them to love all the stages they have gone through in their lives. 

Each of them writes a personal and special letter to the girl she was - stopping for a moment to appreciate the difficulties and bumps and embrace the past in a moving way full of compassion and understanding. The personal letters bring a new angle that we didn't know for each of the women. "That little girl I was is actually the one who gave me the strength and power to be who I am today," says Ariela Wertheimer about the struggles that brought her to her life today, in a place where she feels strong, empowered and loved. "I silenced so many things inside me," says Maayan Ben Zion about her journey, which today has already become a journey of thousands of people whom she leads hand in hand towards a better life, even if parts of this journey were not easy.

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(credit: PR)

In the panel, the women discover things we didn't know about, and look back with love and compassion, on the good and the not so good things that brought them here. "Something in the family is like roots, and I am thankful for the parents I had because I am who I am today because of them, for better or for worse" Ariela sums up the issue. "The thing that always stays with you is actually the real thing from which you grow all the time - which is actually this family," adds Sharon about her personal journey.

And finally, after each of the women tells her story and tries out the products, and just before returning to routine, they summarize the day as a "small island of sanity".

In collaboration with Estee Lauder
