The Jerusalem Post

Moo-vement on Highway 1: Israel Police chief chases stray cow

 Illustrative image of a dairy cow. (photo credit: RAWPIXEL)
Illustrative image of a dairy cow.
(photo credit: RAWPIXEL)

The police commissioner swiftly arrived at the scene, seeking to manage the traffic and remove the cow from the road.

Police Commissioner Kobi Shabtai pursued a cow that inadvertently wandered onto Highway 1 on Sunday. The cow was observed meandering among vehicles caught in a traffic jam.

The commissioner swiftly arrived at the scene, seeking to manage the traffic and remove the animal from the road. The fire department also responded to assist in moving the trapped cow away from the highway.

The consequences of Israeli car-cow collisions 

Approximately two months ago, a 60-year-old man and a woman sustained moderate injuries, and three others suffered minor injuries, in a car accident on Route 978 near a community in the Golan Heights.


The accident, which involved a private car and two buses, occurred when they collided with a cow.

Sadly, the cow succumbed to her injuries shortly after the collision. Emergency response teams from Magen David Adom (MDA) and the United Hatzalah organization that reached the scene provided immediate care to the five injured individuals and transported them to Ziv Medical Center in Safed.

 A baby cow is seen jumping (Illustrative). (credit: World Wildlife/StockSnap)
A baby cow is seen jumping (Illustrative). (credit: World Wildlife/StockSnap)

Collisions involving animals on highways can precipitate serious accidents. In April of the previous year, a 65-year-old man lost his life after his vehicle collided with a camel on Highway 358, between the interchange leading to Eshkolot in northern Negev.

MDA paramedics declared the driver deceased at the scene, having found him trapped in his vehicle with no vital signs. Police responded to the incident, and a traffic accident investigator from the Negev area commenced an inquiry into the tragic event. 
