The Jerusalem Post

UK will consider recognizing Palestinian state, says David Cameron

 British Foreign Secretary Cameron speaks during an interview in Istanbul. (photo credit: REUTERS)
British Foreign Secretary Cameron speaks during an interview in Istanbul.
(photo credit: REUTERS)

As the war in Gaza continues, British FM pressures Israel to consider proposal for Palestinian state.

UK Foreign Secretary David Cameron announced on Monday that Britain will consider recognizing a Palestinian state, the Guardian reported the following day.

Palestinians must have “a political horizon so that they can see that there is going to be irreversible progress to a two-state solution,” Cameron said.

Following a meeting last week in Jerusalem with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Cameron also added that this is part of an attempt to pressure Israeli decision-makers to support such a proposal. 

The UK pressures Israeli legislators to discuss Palestinian state

Netanyahu has criticized this proposal and similar proposals, saying that they would "endanger the state of Israel," the UK-based news organization added. The Israeli prime minister also called attempts by allied states, including the US, to pressure Israel into supporting the proposal "coercion."

 Palestine march in London. (credit: REUTERS)
Palestine march in London. (credit: REUTERS)

As the war in Gaza continues, “We should be starting to set out what a Palestinian state would look like – what it would comprise, how it would work," Cameron said.
