Monday night on X, Barack Obama posted a photo of one of the seders he held at the White House as president with a Passover message. 

"Tonight, Jewish families around the world will begin the celebration of Passover with the traditional seder meal," Obama said. "Michelle and I loved the seders we held in the White House, and the story of Passover – with its focus on resilience, redemption, and renewal in the face of persecution and uncertainty."

"Today it rings even more true," he added. 

Obama said this Passover, let's remember everyone who is unable to celebrate the holiday with their loved ones. 


"And in a time when there’s been so much suffering and loss in Israel and Gaza, let’s reaffirm our commitment to the Jewish people, and people of all religions, who deserve to feel safe and secure wherever they live and practice their faith," Obama said. "Chag Sameach."