The Jerusalem Post

Israeli Druze leader: We must be equals in everyday life, not just in mourning

 Capt. Wassem Mahmoud (photo credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON UNIT)
Capt. Wassem Mahmoud

The head of the Beit Jann Local Authority, Attorney Nazih Dabbour, announced that all planned celebrations of the Muslim and Druze holiday of Eid-al-Adha are to be cancelled.

The head of the Druze community in Israel, Sheikh Muafak Tarif, commented on the community’s contribution and sacrifice to Israel’s security following the announcement of the death of Capt. Wassem Mahmoud in Rafah on Saturday, Maariv reported.

“The Druze community pays once again a very heavy price in this war. Capt. Waseem Mahmoud, may his memory be blessed, from Beit Jann, joins a long list of fallen Druze who have sacrificed their lives for the security of the state since the outbreak of the war."

He then expressed sympathy for Mahmoud’s family, saying, “The family, who hoped and waited for their officer son to return home for the holiday, receives this terrible news on the holiday eve. Their son will return, but to eternal rest.”

Tarif continued, “Once again, we discover in the battlefield the partnership and equality in bearing the burden and loss. This partnership and equality must also be in everyday life, but sadly, this is not the case. The Druze community must be equal partners not only in battle and mourning but also in life.”

 The Druze flag decorated with a Star of David can be seen in the Druze town of Daliat al-Karmel, northern Israel August 2, 2018 (credit: REUTERS/AMIR COHEN)
The Druze flag decorated with a Star of David can be seen in the Druze town of Daliat al-Karmel, northern Israel August 2, 2018 (credit: REUTERS/AMIR COHEN)

He concluded, “The Druze community grieves and shares in the sorrow of the families of the fallen soldiers, including Capt. Waseem. May his memory and the memory of all the fallen be cherished in our hearts forever.”

The Chairman of the Druze forum against the Nation-State Law, Dr. Amir Hanifas, commented on Mahmoud’s death and expressed condemnation of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government, Ynet reported.

“The pain is immense, and the most terrible thing is that the malicious government still sanctifies racist and unequal laws like the Nation-State Law and the Draft Evasion Law. Shame! The Druze community and the citizens of Israel deserve a worthy government today, lest it be too late.”

The Nation-State Law refers to the 2018 Basic Law that granted the Jewish people alone the right to self-determination and gave Hebrew the status of Israel’s only official language. The Druze community has been outspoken in their opposition to this law.

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Head of Beit Jann Local Authority cancels holiday celebrations

The head of the Beit Jann Local Authority, Attorney Nazih Dabbour, announced that all planned celebrations of the Muslim and Druze holiday of Eid-al-Adha are to be canceled following the news of Mahmoud’s death, according to YNet. Eid-al-Adha is on Sunday.

“Following the painful and heartbreaking event that has struck the village and the death of the young soldier Waseem Mahmoud, we are announcing the suspension and cancellation of all planned celebrations,” Dabbour said.


“May the memory of the deceased be blessed, and may his family be comforted from heaven.”
