The Jerusalem Post
The Jerusalem Post: Business and Innovation

Central Bank Gold Buying Statistics: June 2024

Gold Statistics: June 2024 changes by country (photo credit: PR)
Gold Statistics: June 2024 changes by country
(photo credit: PR)

(World Gold Council) Central banks reported 12t of net buying in June via the IMF and other public data sources. Demand moderated during the month: monthly gross purchases of 31t were offset by gross sales of 18t.*

June highlights

  • 31t - Gross purchases
  • 18t - Gross sales
  • -7% - m/m net change
  • 36t - 12-month av
  Central Bank Gold Statistics: June 2024  (credit: PR)
Central Bank Gold Statistics: June 2024 (credit: PR)

June changes by country

Activity was once again led by emerging market central banks. The Central Bank of Uzbekistan and the Reserve Bank of India both added 9t to their gold reserves during the month. The Monetary Authority of Singapore was the largest seller (-12t) in June.

Year-to-date changes by country

Year-to-date gold changes by country (credit: PR)
Year-to-date gold changes by country (credit: PR)

Buying strength continues in 2024, although gross purchases and sales are lower compared to the same period last year. Emerging market banks are the main driving force for both purchases and sales.     *Data to June 2024 where available. Totals may not sum due to rounding. Excludes the State Oil Fund of Azerbaijan (SOFAZ), which only reports quarterly data. Note: By country and YTD charts include changes of a tonne or more only.

Source: IMF IFS, respective central banks, World Gold Council

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