The Jerusalem Post
The Jerusalem Post: Business and Innovation

Forbes Investor Exposes the Truth About Gold | Clem Chambers

 Forbes Investor EXPOSES The TRUTH About GOLD (No One's Talking About This) | Clem Chambers (photo credit: PR)
Forbes Investor EXPOSES The TRUTH About GOLD (No One's Talking About This) | Clem Chambers
(photo credit: PR)

Warns of a potential "hockey stick" trajectory for gold prices, similar to the 2008 financial crisis and the Bitcoin boom.

In a recent interview by CapitalCosm, Clem Chambers, a seasoned financial analyst, shared his insights on the recent surge in gold prices and the broader economic landscape. Chambers, known for his decades of experience in the market, offered a unique perspective informed by his diverse career, including stints in the games industry and stock market ventures.

Key Takeaways

  • Market Outlook: Chambers views the current market as a reflection of expectations for a year from now. The recent economic recovery (albeit cosmetically enhanced by inflation) presents opportunities for those who can identify them.
  • Inflation & Stealth Wealth Erosion: He emphasizes the dangers of inflation, which silently erodes purchasing power. He highlights the difficulty of outrunning inflation during periods of elevated inflation.
  • Gold, a Hedge Against Inflation: While not a fan of gold historically, Chambers acknowledges its role as a hedge against inflation. The recent surge in gold prices is attributed to its function as a wartime reserve for governments.
  • Gold Price & The Precipice of War: Chambers avoids using "precipice" but acknowledges rising geopolitical tensions potentially pushing governments to bolster gold reserves. China's gold buying spree is also mentioned as a contributing factor.
  • Silver & Platinum as Alternative Plays: While silver typically moves alongside gold, a widening gap between their prices could indicate something more concerning. Chambers suggests platinum, with its historical price slump, as a potential alternative play on precious metals.


Chambers offers a valuable perspective informed by his long history in the markets and his understanding of economic fundamentals. His emphasis on inflation and the challenges of navigating it resonates in the current economic climate. The interview also sheds light on the geopolitical factors potentially driving the surge in gold prices.

Additional Notes

  • The interview includes a bracketed section mentioning a sponsored message for Miles Franklin, a gold and silver retailer.
  • The conversation concludes with Chambers expressing his discomfort with the potential implications of a high gold price.

This interview provides a clear, concise, and engaging summary of the interview, highlighting Clem Chambers' insights on the gold market, inflation, and the broader economic landscape.

Full interview:


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