The Jerusalem Post
The Jerusalem Post: Business and Innovation

Israeli cities need to give incentives to build safe rooms during wartime - opinion

 Urban Renewal Project (photo credit: SHUTTERSTOCK)
Urban Renewal Project
(photo credit: SHUTTERSTOCK)

The deputy to the CEO at Oron Real Estate, Gal Castel, urges authorities to set urban renewal targets and create incentives for projects for safe rooms in outlying areas.

Since the October 7 massacre, the State of Israel has been burdened with the consequences of war. Beyond the immense damage to the psyche and body, the loss of life, and the loss of a basic sense of security, hundreds of thousands of

Israelis lack the basic protection of a standard fortified safe room. In the case of an air raid siren, these Israelis are forced to find the closest public shelter or stairwell. Further, many citizens simply cannot efficiently move to a safe place due to their age or medical condition, and have no choice but to stay in place and pray that their home does not become a casualty of the latest barrage.

For years now, multiple contractors and entrepreneurs have spoken out about the need to reinforce buildings, renovate them, and add the necessary shelters. Israel is a small country surrounded by vicious enemies and cannot afford to remain unprotected. It cannot afford to neglect or abandon the security of its citizens within their own homes. The horrors of October 7 demonstrated that safe rooms serve not only as a shelter from barrages of missiles, but also saved the lives of countless families by preventing terrorists from entering.

 Gal Castel (credit: Lia Yaffe)
Gal Castel (credit: Lia Yaffe)

Israel must own its obligation to ensure the safety of its people

In recent days, when Israel is required to recalculate so many areas of civilian life, the decision-makers must not neglect the critical field of urban renewal, the renovation of old buildings, and the addition of safe rooms to apartments that lack protection. The time has come for the state to acknowledge the significant issue it has ignored for years and create a uniform standard that encourages the basic safety of its people. Israelis must come together to demand this change from local authorities, and compel them to allocate the necessary resources as quickly as possible.


Today, the state must set goals for urban renewal even if it requires addressing the economic feasibility of the projects. Authorities must publicly and consciously promote the importance of renovating buildings and adding safe rooms to every apartment, and to ensure above all the safety of citizens within their own homes.

The solution for urban renewal is available, accessible, and possible, and entrepreneurs across the country will do everything in their power to promote the issue as quickly as possible. 

All that is left for the government to do is to decide and demand. Israel has mourned enough casualties thus far. The citizens of Israel deserve to sleep peacefully with the knowledge that they have a personal protected space that is accessible, close, and convenient. 
