The Jerusalem Post
The Jerusalem Post: Business and Innovation

Israelis continue rapid pace of fiber optic Internet usage

 CEO Yossi Hever (photo credit: IBC Unlimited )
CEO Yossi Hever
(photo credit: IBC Unlimited )

Increase of 80% in Internet browsing over fiber networks in 2023

Fiber optic company IBC Unlimited says that in 2023, there was a dramatic jump of 80% in internet surfing over fiber optics in Israel. Data from IBC shows that since the outbreak of the war, Israelis have not returned to their daily routine, even in their surfing habits. A sharp jump of tens of percent in fiber network use has been observed since the beginning of the Iron Swords war that continued in November and December.

Another significant event that led to a peak in network usage was Eminem's mega appearance in the virtual world of Fortnite on December 2, 2023.

The data also show that in 2023, the company connected an additional 434,000 households in 166 localities across Israel, of which about 40,000 were new properties occupied for the first time. In total, the company has reached 1,534,000 households nationwide. In the Arab sector localities where the company operates, connection rates of over 25% were observed, on average.

The company has almost completed the deployment of the most advanced technology in the fiber world - XGS-PON, which enables symmetrical data packages of up to 5 gigabytes. The technology is accessible only to customers of communications companies that use the company's fiber optic infrastructure. The number of providers working with the company has doubled during 2023 from 6 to 12. Among the companies are Cellcom,  Hot, Partner, Telzar 019, Internet Rimon, United, and more.


IBC Unlimited CEO Yossi Hever said: "Israelis' online usage figures in 2023 are unprecedented by any standard. It is evident that since the outbreak of the war, most Israelis are connected to the news stream on all platforms 24/7.  IBC sees itself as a national infrastructure company and, as such, is committed to meeting the highest standards both technologically and in terms of continuity of customer service. I have no doubt that the trends we are witnessing in 2023 will only increase in the coming years."
