The Jerusalem Post

From the blog of Jerusalem Jane: 'For such a time is this'

Shushan Purim celebrations amid ongoing coronavirus outbreak in Jerusalem, Feb. 28, 2021 (photo credit: MARC ISRAEL SELLEM)
Shushan Purim celebrations amid ongoing coronavirus outbreak in Jerusalem, Feb. 28, 2021
(photo credit: MARC ISRAEL SELLEM)

Stories from a Christian Zionist from Denmark who has made Israel her home.

A few years ago, I was waiting in line in the bank, and a sweet elderly gentleman turned around and looked me in the eyes saying: "You are the lady from the paper, right!”

She continued, “You were in the paper, they wrote about you supporting Israel. I have also seen you on the street".

He had a big smile on his face and started speaking to me in Hebrew, which I didn't understand except when he mentioned Israel Hayom, so I knew he was talking about the article he had written about me. He was very emotional and then so was I.

When he left, he waved his hand and said, "Jane, good luck.”


He was just so sweet, and I got the chance to tell him just how much I love Israel.

Author Jane Kiel on Purim (Credit: Courtesy of Jane Kiel)
Author Jane Kiel on Purim (Credit: Courtesy of Jane Kiel)

Thousands of vile comments

In the past 24 hours, I had to block about 200 people with Arabic names on my Facebook page who left the most hateful comments against Israel and the Jewish people under my posts.

Over the years I have received thousands of vile comments because I have declared my unwavering support for Israel. In some of these comments, Arabs are calling for the destruction of the State of Israel and the eradication of the Jewish people.

Even to this day, we see the same hate towards the Jewish people that we saw thousands of years ago, when Haman - the villain of the Purim story - was trying to annihilate them.

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Not only is there Iran, with all of its proxies like Hezbollah and Hamas, but there are also so many Palestinians who are taught in their school textbooks to kill the Jews. Not to mention the NGOs that accuse Israel of apartheid. 

Rockets, shootings, bombings, stabbings and ramming attacks injure and kill Jews every year. It is a big business for the terrorists, who receive pay-for-slay stipends for their work from the Palestinian Authority.


'For such a time is this'

In the story of Purim, God used a beautiful young Jewish woman, who he elevated to queen, to go before the king and plead for her people.

The Purim story about Queen Esther is absolutely fascinating and shows how God completely orchestrated “for such a time as this,” to bring this beautiful young girl into the palace just at the right time.

‘Esther and Mordecai’ by Aert de Gelder, a student of Rembrandt, which is now in the Museum of Fine Arts in Budapest. (Credit: Wikimedia Commons)
‘Esther and Mordecai’ by Aert de Gelder, a student of Rembrandt, which is now in the Museum of Fine Arts in Budapest. (Credit: Wikimedia Commons)

Could it be that for such a time as this, God has raised you and me to stand in the gap for Israel and the Jewish people, to scream from the rooftops and on all of our social media channels the truth about this majestic nation that God calls His own and created as the Homeland of the Jewish people?

To come against all of the hate and propaganda against Israel, especially coming against the disastrous deal about to be signed with the terror regime in Iran.

The politicians who are still pushing for this deal are running around like headless chickens, only Israel seems to fully understand what a disaster this will be. Israel has learned from history.

Over the years, I have had incredibly touching moments with a florist in Haifa, the old man in the bank, a young female Soldier, a shopkeeper, a journalist - yes, the list goes on and on with Jewish people literally saying: “I thought we were all alone in the world, thank you for standing with us.”

For such a time as this, as Israel is a blessing to the entire world, we can make a difference by standing United with Israel.

“If you persist in staying silent at a time like this, help and deliverance will arrive for the Jews from someplace else; but you and your family will be wiped out. Who knows ? Maybe you were made queen for just such a time as this?” (Esther 4:14)

I'll always stand with Israel. Happy Purim.

Jane Kiel is a Jerusalem-based journalist striving to tell the truth about Israel on her social media channels. Learn more about Kiel.
