The Jerusalem Post

Supporting Ziv Medical Center means supporting Israel, says Salman Zarka

Supporting Ziv Medical Center means supporting Israel, says Salman Zarka

Zarka: “I am committed to leading another game-changer, and bringing a higher standard of healthcare to every Israeli citizen in the North.”

Israelis who live in the periphery deserve the same quality of healthcare as residents of Tel Aviv or Jerusalem. For this reason, supporting the Ziv Medical Center in Safed, that serves some 300,000 people in the North including Upper Galilee and the Golan Heights, is a mission to support Israel, hospital Director-General Prof. Salman Zarka said at The Jerusalem Post Annual Conference celebrating Israel’s 75th birthday in New York on Monday.

Zarka was presented with The Jerusalem Post Humanitarian Award for his service as Israel’s Coronavirus Commissioner.

“You will recognize the problems we face in Israel’s north, poverty, poor health awareness, low expectations and understand why, after the pandemic wound down, I returned to my position as Director General at Ziv,” said the physician.

“I am committed to leading another game-changer, and bringing a higher standard of healthcare to every Israeli citizen in the North.”

New US charity launches: Partners of Ziv

During the conference, Zarka announced the establishment of the American charity: “Partners of Ziv.”

 Prof. Salman Zarka. (credit: ZIV MEDICAL CENTER)
Prof. Salman Zarka. (credit: ZIV MEDICAL CENTER)

He explained that while, thanks to the help of many supporters, the hospital has already overcome many challenges – including training much-needed professionals and establishing a new cancer center and a children's hospital – much remains to be done.

“What celebration of Israel’s 75th Independence Day would it be without an invitation to visit us in Israel, to get to know Ziv Hospital and to partner with us as we face the future?”  Zarka said. “Your partnership gives us strength.”

“My life of service to the nation and people of Israel continues, I hope, with new relationships and partnerships that begin here today, and with you,” he concluded.

“We can’t do it without you.”
