The Jerusalem Post

Dutch prosecutors studying complaint against's Israeli settlement listings

 Illustration showing app (photo credit: REUTERS)
Illustration showing app
(photo credit: REUTERS)

Dutch non-profit organization SOMO said it had filed the complaint with the Dutch public prosecutor in November, together with three other human rights groups, but had not gone public with it before.

Dutch prosecutors are looking into a criminal complaint against over its listing of rental properties in Israeli settlements, they said on Thursday.

Dutch non-profit organization SOMO said it had filed the complaint with the Dutch public prosecutor in November, together with three other human rights groups, but had not gone public with it before.

In their complaint, the groups accuse of "profiting from war crimes by facilitating the rental of vacation homes on land stolen from the indigenous Palestinian population."

Prosecutors were studying the complaint, but could not give a timeline for a decision on possible further steps, spokesperson Brechje van de Moosdijk said.


Booking disagrees with allegations

Booking, in response, said it disagreed with the allegations and that there are no laws prohibiting listings in Israeli settlements, while a range of US state laws would prohibit divesting from the region. logo (credit: Wikimedia Commons) logo (credit: Wikimedia Commons)

"Legal action has been taken against other companies that have tried to withdraw their activities, and we would expect the same to happen in our case," a spokesperson for the company said.

SOMO said its research had shown that Booking's platform offered up to 70 listings for properties in east Jerusalem and the West Bank between 2021 and 2023.

It argued that revenues acquired from renting out those properties are "proceeds of criminal activities," and that by booking these proceeds in the Netherlands the company is violating Dutch anti-money laundering rules.
