The Jerusalem Post

Toronto synagogue pelted with stones, glass panels shattered

A window is pictured with the Star of David in a new synagogue in Cottbus, Germany (photo credit: REUTERS)
A window is pictured with the Star of David in a new synagogue in Cottbus, Germany
(photo credit: REUTERS)

B'nai Brith Canada said that police were investigating the throwing of stones at the Pride of Israel Synagogue as a potential hate crime.

A Toronto synagogue was pelted with stones, smashing glass panels above the doors, Canadian politicians and Jewish groups said on Sunday.

B'nai Brith Canada said that police were investigating the throwing of stones at the Pride of Israel Synagogue as a potential hate crime.

Ontario solicitor general Michael Kerzner visited the site, sharing a video in which he condemned the vandalism to the backdrop of the damage.


"Any attacks on houses of worship are completely unacceptable. We pride ourselves on our diversity and tolerance," Kerzner wrote on social media. "Hate has no place in our Ontario!"

broken window crime vandalism 311 (credit: Thinkstock )
broken window crime vandalism 311 (credit: Thinkstock )

Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center president and CEO Michael Levitt said on X that because of the incident the Canada Day weekend was "not a happy one" for Jews of Canada.

Similar attacks on Canadian Jewish institutions

Similar attacks on Canadian Jewish institutions

The incident is the latest in a string of attacks on Jewish institutions in Canada, and in the greater Toronto area in particular.


On June 1, a man was arrested for smashing a Toronto synagogue's window with a rock. He was arrested two days later. Shots were fired at a Toronto school on May 25.

The Toronto Kehillat Shaarei Torah synagogue’s windows were smashed on May 17 and April 19, and another in the same area had its signs set on fire on April 26 and April 28.

Elsewhere in the province, a London Synagogue's window was smashed on June 13. A rock was found near the shattered glass.

“It is out of control, and must stop,” B'nai Brith Canada Chief Operating Officer Judy Foldes said in a Sunday statement. “We implore police forces to monitor Jewish institutions closely and vigilantly during this troubling time for Jewish Canadians.
