The Jerusalem Post

How many matches can you find in this picture?

  (photo credit: Adobe stock)
(photo credit: Adobe stock)

A recent deceptive photo on social media sparked debate as viewers were asked to count the matches.

A puzzling image recently circulated on social media, captivating the attention of countless users. The image's creator issued a challenge to viewers: Determine the number of matches within the photo.

The responses, however, were far from unanimous.

The enigma before you will undoubtedly command several seconds of your attention as you scrutinize, count, and perhaps recount the matches positioned beside the lighter.

Can you discern the correct count?


Let's get started

Examine the image closely. Numerous matches are neatly arranged, with several more concealed behind the lighter. Initially, this puzzle may seem deceptively simple, yet the task at hand is to ascertain the accurate tally of matches. The solution lies below.

In a surprising twist, opinions among viewers diverged. Some confidently asserted they saw ten matches, while others insisted there were merely eight. What was your count?

If you examined the image carefully, you likely discerned five matches in front of the lighter and a mere three concealed behind it. The remainder constitutes a reflection. In total, there are eight matches within the picture.
