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Psychic Abilities: What Exactly Are They and Do You Have Them?

  (photo credit: AuraPsychics design team)
(photo credit: AuraPsychics design team)

Some people believe in psychic abilities, some are skeptic and others wonder whether it is possible to develop them. Find out everything here!

From Gandalf in the Lord of the Rings to the psychic powers Marvel heroes like Professor X exhibit, stories of psychic abilities have fascinated us since childhood. But are psychics real? If so, what does it mean to be psychic?

If you’ve ever had an intuition that something might go a certain way, and then it does, maybe you’re psychic and don’t realize it.

Join us now as we take a deep dive into the realm of psychic abilities. We’ll also explore top psychic platforms, like Purple Garden, where you can get accurate readings if you’re still curious.

What Are Psychic Abilities? 

The word psychic is derived from the Greek word "ψυχικός" (pronounced psychikós), meaning mental or “of the mind.” Parapsychology defines psychic abilities, or extrasensory perception (ESP), as the ability to perceive information or perform acts usually beyond the 5 human senses.


Some examples of psychic powers are clairvoyance, the ability to see visions of the future or things in other dimensions, and telekinesis, the ability to move objects with one's mind.

How Do Psychic Powers Work?

Like any other form of perception, such as imagination or logic, psychic abilities are actions of the mind. Another way to look at it is that psychic powers represent latent talents that we all possess to some degree, yet these abilities manifest in some more than others.Things like intuition and déjà vu are psychic abilities we have all experienced at one time or another, yet where do these perceptions originate from in a person’s mind? It’s a scientific fact that the average person consciously uses only about 10% of their mind’s capability.

In the same way that the genetics for an entire tree can exist within a tiny acorn, the explanation for psychic abilities may exist in the untapped portions of the human mind.

Types of Psychic Abilities

Psychic abilities encompass a wide range of phenomena that are often categorized based on the type of perception or interaction they involve. Here are some of the most commonly recognized psychic abilities examples:

  (credit: AuraPsychics design team)
(credit: AuraPsychics design team)


Clairvoyance or “clear seeing” is the ability to have visions and perceive events in the future, the past, or beyond regular sensory contact. For example, seeing spirits or witnessing in your mind’s eye specific remote circumstances in time and space are examples of clairvoyance. 


Clairaudience, or “clear hearing,” is the ability to hear things that are normally beyond the boundaries of normal hearing. Examples would be the voices of spirits, non-physical entities, or individuals not immediately present. 



Claircognizance, or “clear cognition,” occurs when someone is able to immediately comprehend a situation or person without having had any previous knowledge or contact. Unlike visions or other psychic abilities, claircognizance is a form of instant and unexplained understanding.


Clairsentience, or “clear feeling,” is the ability to feel psychic energy from a person or a situation that is not normally perceptible through the 5 human senses. Empathy, or feeling what another is feeling, is a common form of clairsentience. 

Astral Projection

Astral projection is the ability to send your spiritual body outside of your physical body to travel to places remote in time and space. Leaving your body in this manner is called an out-of-body experience (OBE) and is the basis of the legends of spiritual masters being in more than one place at a time. 

Aura Reading

Aura reading is a type of clairvoyance and represents the ability to see the spiritual energy emitted by the human body. This energy often brings images of different colors in the visual spectrum and describes an individual's mental, physical, and spiritual state.


A psychic medium is someone who can communicate with dead or disembodied spirits. Mediums are usually contacted by people who wish to speak with a departed loved one. 

How To Develop Psychic Abilities

Since all people, to a greater or lesser degree, have the potential to be psychic, building your psychic abilities is a great way to become more spiritually attuned to the world around you. Here’s how:

  • One of the most basic ways to awaken your psychic abilities is to learn how to use an oracle, such as tarot cards or the runes, and then practice with them regularly. In fact, this is how many professional psychics began their involvement with the psychic world.
  • Another way to boost your psychic abilities is to learn how to meditate. Meditating regularly can help calm your restless thoughts and still your mind, increasing your attentiveness and sensitivity to the psychic phenomena around you.

Like any other ability, you can hone your empath and psychic abilities through practice, discipline, and learning one or more classic forms of self-development, such as those mentioned above.

The Role of Intuition In Channeling

Intuition is a glimpse into the workings of your subconscious mind and its connection to the patterns of spiritual energy in the universe. As this glimpse deepens, you become generally more open to universal wisdom and psychic flowpower.

Channeling is when this connection with your subconscious suddenly opens like a floodgate, and you become one with the flow of the universal mind through your consciousness. Channeling can range from downloading information associated with genius, like Da Vinci or Einstein, to communicating with metaphysical beings, such as angels or ascended masters.

Common Misconceptions About Psychic Abilities

Psychic abilities have been a topic of fascination and skepticism for centuries, leading to various misconceptions. Here are some common misunderstandings:

Psychic Abilities Are Supernatural Powers

Because of how psychic abilities are depicted in movies, fiction, and graphic novels, one might be led to believe that they are effectively superpowers possessed by only superhuman individuals. Yet psychic abilities exist to some degree in everyone through phenomena like déjà vu and higher socio-cognitive functions like intuition and insights [1] [2]. 

Psychic Abilities Are Only for the Gifted Few

There is no doubt that professional psychics are gifted people, yet everyone has some degree of basic human intuition at their disposal. Some examples of intuition at work in everyday life can be seen in psychology, different art forms, writing, cooking, medicine, and anything else about being sensitive to the needs of another. 

Psychics Can Predict the Future With 100% Accuracy

In a constantly evolving universe, it’s essentially impossible for anyone, even psychics, to predict what will happen with 100% accuracy. In fact, rather than predicting the future, most psychic readings are focused on helping people change their future through enlightened awareness and activity.

Psychics Are Mind Readers

It turns out there is an actual extrasensory ability by which a psychic can ascertain someone’s thoughts. It’s called telepathy, yet it only operates in a very general sense, so psychics with this ability can’t literally read all the thoughts in someone's mind. 

Using Psychic Abilities for Personal Growth and Healing

When understood and used responsibly, psychic abilities can be powerful tools for personal growth and healing. Let’s explore some ways in which they can be applied to enhance well-being and self-improvement:

  (credit: AuraPsychics design team)
(credit: AuraPsychics design team)


Psychic abilities can be a powerful tool for self-reflection and delving into the deepest parts of ourselves. This is because the insights gained through psychic abilities are not just about having a better perspective on the outer world.

Psychic realizations can also help you obtain insights into your behavior, giving you a chance to recognize patterns and emotional triggers that may be holding you back.


Psychic abilities can also be an effective tool for healing. In fact, many psychics use their extraordinary abilities to identify areas of imbalance in the body where physical ailments can thrive.

For example, aura reading is a powerful psychic tool for healing by which areas of low energy in your body can be recognized so they can be rebalanced and strengthened.

Intuitive Decision-Making

We’ve all had situations at some point where everyone is telling you what to do, but then you listen to them, and it turns out wrong.

Developing your psychic abilities will help you discover the confidence to accept and trust in your own intuition about what feels right, enabling you to make clearer and more confident choices.

Emotional Healing

The power of psychic abilities psychology can be a vital tool for enlightenment when it comes to letting go of the blockages preventing your happiness.

Psychic abilities can help you to see deeper into yourself and understand how buried traumas from the past can dissipate your energy and lead to recurring and inappropriate emotions. 

Ethics and Responsibility in Psychic Practice

With any great talent comes the responsibility to honor your gift and use it to make the world a better place, and psychic abilities are no exception. We explore some aspects of the code that many authentic and talented psychics adhere to when exercising their gifts in this world.

Respect for Privacy

Like doctors, psychiatrists, and priests, those gifted with psychic abilities are expected to adhere to a vow of confidentiality regarding what is shared in a psychic reading.

That’s because a genuine psychic does not seek this information for themselves. It is channeled to them for the benefit of the client to help that person fulfill their soul’s mission in this life.

Honesty and Authenticity

One of the hardest things someone with psychic abilities has to do in a reading is to be honest with their client, even if it requires them telling that person something they may not want to hear.

The higher purpose of giving and receiving a psychic reading is for both the reader and client to honor the gift of information being given from spirit. Initially, this information may cause anxiety or worse, but the ultimate purpose of what is being shared is to forge a new and authentic healing balance for the future. 

Intention and Responsibility

Having psychic abilities and doing readings is a calling rather than a profession for the ambitious or a career choice. A psychic’s primary intention during a reading should always be to serve the client and help them to understand their circumstances better.

Yet, it is not the psychic’s responsibility to convince the client of anything. Free will is the single irrefutable law of the universe, and no psychic should ever contest a client's choice to reject what they are being told.


Besides being able to deliver expert guidance and enlightening insights on call, what else defines a quality professional psychic? Just like those in any other service profession, psychics should be expected to be courteous and patient, and follow the rules established by the platform regarding client-psychic relations.

A professional psychic should also be honest and willing to tell you what you need to hear for your spiritual growth rather than what you want to hear to feel comfortable. 

Where To Get Accurate Psychic Readings

Finding a reliable and accurate psychic reader involves careful consideration and research. We’ve reviewed the top 3 reputable online platforms to help you make informed choices:

1. Purple Garden

  (credit: AuraPsychics design team)
(credit: AuraPsychics design team)

Purple Garden is your go-to for expert guidance and inspiration, featuring advisors who are not only vetted but also highly endorsed by users like you. It demonstrates a wide array of services, including love readings, mediumship, tarot readings, and career advice, catering to a variety of needs.

User Reviews

User reviews on Trustpilot for Purple Garden showcase mixed feelings. One user enthusiastically claims it's the "Best psychic app in the industry, period!" highlighting their positive experience [3]. 

However, another user felt let down, pointing out that the psychic they consulted relied more on common sense than genuine psychic abilities to answer questions [4]. This feedback suggests that while many find the app incredibly valuable, the experience can vary depending on the psychic's approach and the user's expectations.

2. Keen

Credit: AuraPsychics design team

Keen positions itself as the leading platform for psychic readings, available via phone or online chat around the clock. With nearly 25 years of experience, Keen's trusted advisors have helped millions find clarity. Users can also benefit from a loyalty program that rewards them with Keen credits, special offers, and exclusive rewards.

User Reviews

Keen's user reviews on Trustpilot show a diverse range of experiences, earning an average rating of 3.2 out of 5 stars from 564 users. A user acknowledges the variety, noting that while not every reader may provide a connection, some very gifted psychics are available [5]. In contrast, another user expresses disappointment, stating that despite spending thousands of dollars, not a single prediction was true [6].

3. Kasamba

Kasamba is dedicated to guiding you toward love, happiness, career success, and self-empowerment through various services, including psychic readings, tarot readings, and astrology. They also provide a comprehensive range of horoscopes—daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, and even birthday editions—adding an extra layer of personalized guidance for users seeking insights into their future.

User Reviews

Kasamba receives largely positive feedback on Trustpilot, boasting 4.3 out of 5 stars from 1,429 users. Many highlight the accuracy and kindness of the advisors, as well as the app's efficiency and ease of navigation. One reviewer appreciated the prompt and honest responses to their queries, noting the psychic's accuracy [7] [8]. 

However, not all reviews are glowing; some users, like a recent divorcee, desire a broader focus beyond love and relationships, seeking insights into other aspects of personal growth and life paths [9].

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the questions people ask when it comes to learning more about psychic abilities.

What Are Some Psychic Abilities?

Clairvoyance or “clear seeing” is the ability to see visions of beings or scenes from the future, the past, or other dimensions. Clairaudience or “clear hearing” is the power to hear spirit voices or communications from other disincarnate beings. Then there’s clairsentience or clear feeling, which is the ability to feel the essence of a place or what others are feeling.

What Does a Psychic Do?

A psychic is someone with extrasensory powers who claims to be able to experience spiritual phenomena and communicate with beings that exist beyond the 5 normal human senses.

These individuals then use their psychic abilities to give readings and help everyday people find answers to life questions that are not available through normal means.

What Is a Paranormal Ability?

Also known as psychic abilities, paranormal abilities are powers exhibited by individuals beyond the scope of typical human senses. Some examples of supernatural abilities are precognition, the ability to see and predict future events, and remote viewing, or the ability to see visions of future or faraway events.

What Is the Meaning of Psychic Energy?

In a psychological sense, psychic energy is the force behind all mental processes. The source behind this energy is the “id,” the primitive, impulsive part of us driven by instinct and desire. In a paranormal sense, psychic energy is the all-pervading power of consciousness in the universe that psychics tap into with their psychic abilities or ESP.

What Is the Psychic Power of Telepathy?

Telepathy is a word that derives from the Ancient Greek “tele,” or distant, and represents the ability to communicate directly with another person’s mind without using any other means.

Other terms used to describe the power of telepathy are “mind reading” and “thought transference.”

What Do Zodiac Signs Mean?

In astrology, the zodiac signs represent the 12 constellations that the sun passes through during its yearly orbit. Each of these 12 constellations, like Pisces and Aquarius, is assigned a symbol and relevant characteristics that astrologers use to interpret the movements of the planets and how they affect life on earth.

Final Thoughts on Psychic Abilities

To round things up, psychic abilities—often depicted in fantasy and fiction—are subject to skepticism and fascination in the real world. While the existence of such powers remains debatable, many people report experiences that suggest a capacity for extrasensory perception. If you've ever had a strong intuition that turned out to be accurate, you might wonder if you possess latent psychic abilities. 

For those curious to explore further, platforms like Purple Garden provide access to professional psychics who can offer insights and help unlock your potential. So, whether you view psychic abilities as a natural phenomenon or an intriguing concept, exploring these capabilities can indeed change how you perceive the world around you.


  1. Brázdil, Milan, et al. “Unveiling the Mystery of Déjà vu: The Structural Anatomy of Déjà Vu.” Cortex; a Journal Devoted to the Study of the Nervous System and Behavior, vol. 48, no. 9, 2012, pp. 1240–1243, doi:10.1016/j.cortex.2012.03.004.
  2. McCrea, Simon. “Intuition, Insight, and the Right Hemisphere: Emergence of Higher Sociocognitive Functions.” Psychology Research and Behavior Management, vol. 3, 2010, p. 1, doi:10.2147/prbm.s7935.
  3. “Rhiannon Rambles & Readings (Rhiannon Rambles) Gave Purple Garden 5 Stars. Check out the Full Review.” Trustpilot, 
  4. “Daisy Gave Purple Garden 1 Star. Check out the Full Review.” Trustpilot, 
  5. “Patricia Richards Gave Keen 5 Stars. Check out the Full Review.” Trustpilot, 
  6. “Customer Gave Keen 1 Star. Check out the Full Review.” Trustpilot, 
  7. “Mykael Cobb Gave Kasamba 5 Stars. Check out the Full Review.” Trustpilot, 
  8. “Lourdes Gave Kasamba 5 Stars. Check out the Full Review.” Trustpilot, 
  9. “Danielle Miranda Gave Kasamba 3 Stars. Check out the Full Review.” Trustpilot, 

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