The Jerusalem Post

25 ViZionaries: Alex Ryvchin - No. 6

 Alex Ryvchin. (photo credit: COURTESY/JNF-USA)
Alex Ryvchin.
(photo credit: COURTESY/JNF-USA)

Meet the bestseller author represending Australian Jewry.

Alex Ryvchin, co-chief executive officer of the Executive Council of Australian Jewry, is a renowned author and commentator. Born in Kyiv, Ukraine, in 1987, when he was just three years old, his family sought refuge. He went on to pursue a degree in law and politics at the University of New South Wales.

No. 5:  Rabbi Erez Sherman >>

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Ryvchin’s career spanned legal practice in Sydney and London. He also served as a spokesman for the Zionist Federation UK. He earned an Israel Research Fellowship, working as a research fellow and staff writer at a Jerusalem-based thinktank. In 2013, he joined the Executive Council of Australian Jewry and became co-CEO in 2018, making him one of the youngest leaders in the global Jewish Diaspora.

Ryvchin’s international bestseller, “A New Day,” addresses overcoming adversity during the coronavirus pandemic. His second book, “The Seven Deadly Myths,” delves into the conspiracy theories fueling antisemitism.