The Jerusalem Post

25 ViZionaries: Sam Friedman - No. 25

 Sam Friedman (photo credit: COURTESY/JNF-USA)
Sam Friedman
(photo credit: COURTESY/JNF-USA)

Meet the young professional connecting Jewish Orlando.

Sam Friedman is the chief development officer for Shalom Orlando, a streamlined organization that connects the Central Florida Jewish Community. 

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As CDO, he leads the organization’s financial resource development efforts. 

Friedman grew up in St. Augustine, Florida, and worked for the Jewish Federation of Palm Beach County as an Israel and global initiatives associate before starting his career as a Hillel professional. 

He served four years as the first Director of Hillel at Stetson University in DeLand, Florida, before assuming his current position at Shalom Orlando in April 2022. 

While at Hillel, Friedman helped shape Jewish student life on campus and engaged students in Jewish life, learning, and Israel.