The Jerusalem Post

25 ViZionaries: Jonathan Elkhoury - No. 18

 Jonathan Elkhoury (photo credit: MARC ISRAEL SELLEM)
Jonathan Elkhoury
(photo credit: MARC ISRAEL SELLEM)

Meet the Lebanese refugee empowering Christian youth in Israel to serve in the IDF.

Jonathan Elkhoury is a gay Christian Lebanese refugee living in Israel who has become an advocate and social leader in Israeli society. He and his family were forced to leave Lebanon for Israel for their protection after the Lebanese Civil War because his father was a member of the South Lebanon Army, supported by the IDF.

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Elkhoury became a project manager with “Reservists on Duty,” empowering Christian youth in Israel to engage in IDF service or national duty, contributing to their community. He initially united Israel’s minorities, including Muslims, Christians, Druze, and Bedouin, encouraging active social participation. Elkhoury emphasizes the significance of regular citizens countering misconceptions about life in Israel.

His group encounters resistance and hostility from anti-Israel activists on college campuses. Nevertheless, he perseveres, challenging their beliefs.

Elkhoury stands as a symbol of resilience, promoting unity and, debunking stereotypes, fostering understanding among diverse communities within Israel.