The Jerusalem Post

25 ViZionaries: Jordyn Tilchen - No. 20

 Jordyn Tilchen. (photo credit: COURTESY/JNF-USA)
Jordyn Tilchen.
(photo credit: COURTESY/JNF-USA)

Meet the influencer combating anti-Israel propaganda among young Jews.

Jordyn Tilchen, a journalist, editor, and social media influencer, stands out as a passionate advocate for Israel and a vocal opponent of antisemitism. With a career spanning The New York Post, MTV News, Page Six, and Bustle, she excels in content creation and strategy, leading to her viral success.

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Her advocacy began after a transformative Birthright experience at 23. In response to the surge in antisemitism during the pandemic, Tilchen used her platform to educate, address current events, and provide guidance for online and offline countering bigotry. Her content, reaching hundreds of thousands, combines humor and thought-provoking insights.

Tilchen’s future endeavors include a docuseries on Israel that offers an authentic view of the country and launching a media company to combat anti-Israel propaganda among young Jews. Her unwavering commitment to fighting antisemitism and defending Israel solidifies her as a fearless, unapologetic advocate in the battle against hatred.