The Jerusalem Post

25 ViZionaries: Johnnie Moore - No. 21

 Johnnie Moore (photo credit: Vitaly Manzuk)
Johnnie Moore
(photo credit: Vitaly Manzuk)

Meet the Evangelical leader advocating for peace and tolerance in the Middle East.

Johnnie Moore, an influential American Evangelical leader and entrepreneur, founded the Kairos Company public relations firm. He serves as a commissioner at the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom and is president of the Congress of Christian Leaders.

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Moore’s exceptional dedication to Israel advocacy earned him the prestigious Simon Wiesenthal Center’s Medal of Valor, making him its youngest recipient. He consistently emphasizes the importance of supporting Israel.

His influence transcends borders, as evidenced by his pivotal role in crafting the Bahrain Declaration on Religious Freedom and Peaceful Coexistence in the Middle East. Engaging in diplomacy across the Islamic world, from Saudi Arabia to the United Arab Emirates, Moore champions religious freedom and advocates for persecuted communities.

Moore has held discussions with Israeli prime ministers and Palestinian leaders. His substantial contribution to the historic 2020 peace agreement between the United Arab Emirates and Israel underscores his dedication to promoting tolerance, combating bigotry, and advancing the rights of religious minorities globally.