The Jerusalem Post

Confiscated Hamas commander's Mein Kampf presented at Hungarian Holocaust memorial event

Ronnie Vinnikov Head of Resource Development and External Affairs Division CDO. (photo credit: Alexander Kolomoisky/KKL-JNF Photo Archive)
Ronnie Vinnikov Head of Resource Development and External Affairs Division CDO.
(photo credit: Alexander Kolomoisky/KKL-JNF Photo Archive)

As part of the event, participants held a minute silence in memory of the victims of the Nazis.  

Hungarian Agricultural Minister Istvan Nagy, alongside members of the Hungarian Jewish community and officials from KKL- JNF, participated in a commemorative event on Friday honoring the 80th anniversary of the Jews who perished in the Holocaust.

As part of the event, participants held a minute silence in memory of the victims of the Nazis.  

one minute silence KKL - JNF CEO Yuval Yeni, Mr. Kobi Davit Founding President of KKL-JNF Hungary and Central Europe, Istvan Nagy the Hungarian minister of agriculture (credit: Alexander Kolomoisky/KKL-JNF Photo Archive)
one minute silence KKL - JNF CEO Yuval Yeni, Mr. Kobi Davit Founding President of KKL-JNF Hungary and Central Europe, Istvan Nagy the Hungarian minister of agriculture (credit: Alexander Kolomoisky/KKL-JNF Photo Archive)

Alongside Nagy stood Mr. Kobi Davit Founding President of KKL-JNF Hungary and Central Europe, Binyamin Lidsky KKL – JNF's envoy to Hungry, KKL - JNF CEO Yuval Yeni, Ronnie Vinnikov Head of Resource Development and External Affairs Division at KKL – JNF, the head of the Jewish community of Hungary, Andor Gross and many other important Jewish officials. 

Mein Kampf in Hamas commander's home

Davidi Ben Zion, a reserve IDF captain, delivered a speech at the event. 

 Davidi Ben Zion. (credit: Alexander Kolomoisky/KKL-JNF Photo Archive)
Davidi Ben Zion. (credit: Alexander Kolomoisky/KKL-JNF Photo Archive)

Zion, as part of an operation in the Gaza Strip, found a copy of Hitler's Mein Kampf translated into Arabic. The text had been located inside the house of one of Hamas commanders.

Zion presented the text at the event.
