The Jerusalem Post

IDF kills Hamas Nukhba commander who helped lead October 7 massacre

Israeli forces operate in the Gaza Strip, January 1, 2024 (IDF SPOKESPRESON'S UNIT)

Mismah, the Company Commander of Nukhba's Deir al-Balah brigade, led Hamas terrorists into the ravaged Kibbutz Kissufim on October 7.

Israeli forces killed Adil Mismah, a commander in Hamas's Nukhba force who helped lead and direct the October 7 massacre of southern Israeli communities, the IDF said Monday morning.

Mismah, the Company Commander of Nukhba's Deir al-Balah brigade, led Hamas terrorists into the ravaged Kibbutz Kissufim and directed Hamas gunmen to other devastated communities, such as the kibbutzim of Nirim and Be'eri.

Following October 7, Mismah was heavily involved in fighting with Israeli forces in the Gaza Strip, the IDF said.

As per the Israeli military, the Nukhba commander was killed in an Israeli Air Force airstrike directed by Israeli ground troops.

 Israeli forces operate in the Gaza Strip, January 1, 2024 (credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)
Israeli forces operate in the Gaza Strip, January 1, 2024 (credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)

IDF continues operations in Shejaia, Khan Yunis

In operations in northern Gaza's Shejaia, Israeli forces struck several terrorist targets including a "compound for conducting warfare" used by Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad

In the same operation, IDF troops raided a command and control center near a nearby mosque, locating and seizing large quantities of weapons used by the terrorist organizations. 

The Israeli Navy was also active in the Gaza Strip on Monday, striking terror targets across the Strip.

In Khan Yunis, fighter jets under the direction of soldiers on the ground targeted and killed a terrorist launching rockets at Israel.
