The Jerusalem Post

'The championships of elimination,' Iranian reactions to the assassination of Hassan Nasrallah

Profile of the former leader of the Hezbollah terrorist organization, Hassan Nasrallah (photo credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON UNIT)
Profile of the former leader of the Hezbollah terrorist organization, Hassan Nasrallah

Circulating videos show stark differences between the formal discourse by Islamic Republic regime officials, and the general public in Iran and the diaspora.

Formal Iranian outlets as Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic, Ali Khamenei, announced five days of public mourning in the country. The Iranian leader, who was reported to have been moved to a safe location with strict security measures, eulogized Nasrallah, adding:

“The great fighter, the bearer of the banner of resistance in the region, the esteemed religious scholar, and the wise political leader, His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, may Allah be pleased with him, attained the honor of martyrdom in the events that took place in Lebanon last evening, ascending to the divine realm. The dear Sayyed of Resistance has received the reward for decades of striving in the path of Allah, enduring its difficulties throughout a sacred battle… The honor of martyrdom was his rightful due after all this struggle.

“The Islamic world has lost a great personality, the resistance front has lost an outstanding banner-bearer, and Hezbollah in Lebanon has lost a rare leader. However... The foundation he established in Lebanon, through which he directed other centers of resistance, will not diminish with his departure but will grow stronger and more resilient by the blessings of his blood and the blood of other martyrs. By Allah's will and power, the blows of the resistance front against the decaying and worn-out body of the Zionist entity will become even more forceful and destructive.

“The wicked entity of the Zionist regime has not achieved victory in this incident, for Sayyed of Resistance was not merely an individual; he was a path and a school of thought, and this path will continue.” Khamenei also extended his condolences to Nasrallah’s wife, reminding of her son Hadi, who was killed in 1997 during clashes against Israeli soldiers on the border.


The Supreme National Security Council of Iran also issued a statement, reading: “The experience of the resistance has shown that every time the Zionist regime martyred a leader of the resistance, from his pure blood, a stronger leader stepped into the field of struggle and experienced a new seasonal movement and a great leap, a divine tradition that will undoubtedly continue. The line of jihad and resistance will continue with double motivation and a definite victory awaits the Mujahideen of this blessed path.”

While the Islamic Republic’s Foreign Ministry threatened: “The consequences of Seyed Hassan Nasrallah's assassination are directed at Israel and America Israel's actions will never go unpunished. Iran will use all its capacities to support the people of Palestine and Lebanon.”

Analysts from the Islamic Republic claimed that Iran will not be able to remain silent following the assassination, and promised that retaliation is imminent. Likewise, various channels of the Islamic Republic broadcasted images of public mourning ceremonies, and TV anchors and clerics could not withhold their tears.

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The other voices: memes, celebrations and congratulating Israel

However, footage and memes circulating on social media from Iran and the diaspora painted an entirely different picture.

Some videos circulated showing Iranians dancing or cheering for Nasrallah’s death, while others showed Iranians giving out sweets on the occasion. and one especially viral video showed Iranians drinking for his passing. Likewise, many Iranians shared footage of celebrations from Syria, where citizens were more free to express their joy over Nasrallah’s death.


Some Iranians denounced the announcement of days of mourning, arguing that when 50 Iranians were killed in the Tabas mine disaster – no government official said a word; while now the leader granted five days to commemorate the death of Nasrallah in Lebanon.

Many praised Israel and Prime Minister Netanyahu for the assassination. One anti-regime group uploaded a message read by the IDF spokesperson in Persian, Kamal Pinhasi, regarding Nasrallah’s assassination, with some commenting “Long live the Israeli army” or simply posting Israeli flags. Another group named “Voice of Iran” uploaded a picture of an Israeli flag adding “Pray for the IDF.” Another X user uploaded a video showing Nasrallah crying in the background as Netanyahu is smiling in the front, alongside a song about an unrequited love.

Many online memes celebrating the assassination started circulating online in Iranian groups. One user uploaded a graph showing an alleged championship bracket featuring leaders of Hezbollah, Iran, Hamas and the Houthis, attempting to guess who will be assassinated next. Others showed caricatures featuring Nasrallah’s alleged welcoming in the inferno, surrounded by other dictators or terrorists such as Hafez Al-Assad, Osama Bin Laden, Moammar Ghaddafi, Hitler, Stalin, and more. An anti-regime Telegram channel uploaded an old picture showing Nasrallah with many assassinated leaders of Hezbollah, adding: “the most complete menu at Israel’s restaurant.”

Reza Pahlavi, son of the ousted Iranian Shah, shared on his X account a post by Khamenei from last week in which he claimed that “Hezbollah is victorious,” commenting: “Hezbollah will be defeated. The Islamic regime in Iran will also be defeated. The Iranian people, and all those in the region who seek peace, will emerge victorious.”

Iranians in the diaspora also celebrated the assassination. In London, videos were circulating of Iranians celebrating in front of the Israeli embassy with flags and posters of Shah Pahlvai’s son. Likewise, the Iranian Community in Hamburg published a message congratulating the assassination of Nasrallah, posing with the old Iranian flag and an Israeli flag.
