The Jerusalem Post

Israel must eliminate Hamas in Gaza war, 70% of Israelis say

 A convoy of Israeli tanks at sunset near the southern Israeli border with Gaza, October 12, 2023. (photo credit: Chaim Goldberg/Flash90)
A convoy of Israeli tanks at sunset near the southern Israeli border with Gaza, October 12, 2023.
(photo credit: Chaim Goldberg/Flash90)

When given a choice between ‘launching a ground operation in Gaza to eradicate Hamas’ or ‘avoiding a ground operation and finding another way to deal with Hamas,’ 68% chose the ground invasion.

A poll commissioned by the Israel Victory Project found that 70% of the Israeli public wants "eliminating Hamas" to be the primary objective of Operation Swords of Iron. And more than half (54%) of the respondents who said they had voted for an Arab party in the last election chose this option.

A separate answer, that the primary objective should be to "disarm Hamas completely," received 13% of responses. Only 15% of respondents chose "the unconditional release of captives" as their choice for the operation’s primary objective.

The poll did not define "eliminating Hamas," but it did ask respondents who they thought "should rule Gaza after the overthrow of the Hamas regime."

On this, respondents were almost evenly split into four camps: 24% said that Israel should govern Gaza, 22% chose the Palestinian Authority, 19% chose "Arab nations," and another 24% chose, simply, "new leadership in Gaza."


When given a choice between "launching a ground operation in Gaza to eradicate Hamas" or "avoiding a ground operation and finding another way to deal with Hamas," more than two-thirds (68%) said they would choose the ground invasion, while 25% chose the more nebulous second option. 

Asked how much consideration Israel should give to opinion about it abroad, 43% of respondents said Israel must consider the perspective of allies, particularly the United States, while 55% responded that Israel "must ignore external demands and make its own security decisions."

Asked whether, "if Saudi Arabia demands significant concessions to the Palestinian Authority by Israel as the price for formal ties," Israel should agree to the terms, 72% said no, while 21% said yes.

Billboard displayed near Prime Minister Bennett’s home, June 17, 2021. (credit: Courtesy)
Billboard displayed near Prime Minister Bennett’s home, June 17, 2021. (credit: Courtesy)

Poll supports the views of the group that commissioned it

The Israel Victory Project (IVP), which commissioned the poll, states as its purpose “to put an end to the Palestinian resistance and thus ensure conditions for ending the conflict with the Palestinians and the bloodshed.”

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The group argues on its website that “Only after [the Palestinians] acknowledge the defeat of their struggle against Israel will it be possible to negotiate the final settlement.” 

In 2022, before the national elections that resulted in the current (pre-war) government, the group paid for billboards in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv depicting Arab lawmakers wrapped in Israeli flags, with the caption “This is what a picture of victory will look like.”


Condemning “leaders like [Ahmed] Tibi and [Ayman] Odeh” as “pouring oil on the fire,” Gregg Roman, Director of the Middle East Forum, said that “the violence and the bloodshed will stop only when [Palestinians] have accepted that the war against Jewish sovereignty has ended.” 

For many years prior to the outbreak of this most recent war, the IVP has been advocating a “total elimination” of Hamas. In 2021, the group sponsored a billboard outside then-prime minister Naftali Bennett’s house, reading “The nation demands victory!” Roman, speaking on the subject of Bennett’s inauguration, said that “the most important issue on the agenda should be to address restoring security for the citizens of Israel, and eliminating Hamas.” 

Respondents split on worst failure of October 7

The poll also asked respondents “Which do you see as key mistakes leading to the catastrophic failure on October 7?” With more than one answer permitted, 27% replied “A military that relies too much on defensive measures,” 29% replied “Poor intelligence capabilities,” 49% responded “Misconduct by the political echelon,” and 29% replied “The wrong ‘concept’ about Hamas.”

The poll was conducted by Shlomo Filber and Zuriel Sharon through Direct Polls Ltd on October 17, 2023. Some 1,086 Israeli adults were sampled with a statistical sampling error of 4%.
