The Jerusalem Post

Israel at war - How is the high-tech sector doing?

JVP Founder Erel Margalit and Jerusalem Post reporter Zachy Hennessey

JVP Founder Erel Margalit and Jerusalem Post reporter Zachy Hennessey discuss how the conflict between Israel and Hamas is affecting the most crucial sector of the country’s economy.

How is the war between Israel and Hamas affecting the Jewish state’s high-tech sector? According to Dr. Erel N. Margalit, Founder and Executive Chairman, JVP, Margalit Startup City, Israeli companies are proving their resilience.

“We have seen crises before and it is important to understand that since the Israeli high-tech industry was built we have gone through several wars in Lebanon and Gaza,” he told Zachy Hennessey, Business and Tech Innovation reporter at The Jerusalem Post. “When we go through security challenges, it is sort of like when an athlete is training and running with weights - when they take off the weights, they have become even stronger.”

The industry's priorities

Margalit highlighted that companies now are focusing on supporting their employees and reassuring their colleagues, partners and clients abroad.

“When this war is over, we will see the Israeli high-tech industry bounce back in a big way,” he said.