The Jerusalem Post

Reserve soldiers' families find relief with babysitting, cooking, and pet care support

Reserve soldiers' families find relief with babysitting, cooking, and pet care support (photo credit: HaOgen)
Reserve soldiers' families find relief with babysitting, cooking, and pet care support
(photo credit: HaOgen)

A comprehensive volunteer-based initiative ensures that families on the homefront are not alone during times of conflict.

In response to the shocking events that unfolded on October 7th, which sent shockwaves through the Israeli population, HaOgen - Anchor for Families of Reserve Soldiers was founded to provide essential support to the families of reserve soldiers serving on the frontlines: Childcare, meal preparation, handling tasks, and tending to the family pet. Founded by former Knesset member Rachel Azaria, social activist Yael Yehieli, and Hi-Tech expert Racheli Shoreti, this initiative has quickly grown into a nationwide network of volunteers committed to easing the burden on families during times of war.

During Operation Protective Edge in Jerusalem, this group of women operated an aid center for reservist families and assisted 500 families with the help of thousands of dedicated volunteers. Building on this experience, the organization has now established a comprehensive volunteer-based support system for all families whose loved ones have been drafted into the Israeli Army.

Reserve soldiers' families find relief with babysitting, cooking, and pet care support (credit: HaOgen)
Reserve soldiers' families find relief with babysitting, cooking, and pet care support (credit: HaOgen)

With over 300,000 troops actively protecting the nation, many families find themselves relying on a single caregiver, often the mother, who must balance the demands of everyday life with the added stress of loneliness and anxiety. HaOgen's primary goal is to provide a wide range of services to these families to ensure that Israel's homefront remains resilient during times of conflict.

Reserve soldiers' families find relief with babysitting, cooking, and pet care support (credit: HaOgen)
Reserve soldiers' families find relief with babysitting, cooking, and pet care support (credit: HaOgen)

HaOgen's mission to help

Azaria, co-founder of HaOgen, emphasized the organization's mission: "When a father or mother is drafted for war, it is always unexpected. They receive the call, put on their uniform, give a kiss, take their bag, and leave. The door closes, and the family is left on their own. This is especially challenging for families with young children. At first, many women did not ask for help, so we had to approach them. However, as the war continues, we see that the needs are growing, and the fact that we can assist them gives us all, the volunteers, a sense of gratitude. We will remain active until the war is over, and the drafted families are safely back home."


HaOgen's network comprises thousands of women volunteers, overseen by 30 women including national and regional directors, along with over 300 city and town coordinators. Supported by a professional technology team, the organization coordinates its nationwide efforts seamlessly. In just five weeks, HaOgen has provided support to nearly 20,000 members of drafted families across 240 cities and towns, thanks to the dedication of up to 25,000 volunteers.

What sets HaOgen apart is its status as the only nationwide organization dedicated to working with drafted families. They collaborate with various organizations, including municipalities, The National JCC Organization, the teacher's union, Ben Gurion University, the IDF, the Israeli Scouts, and others. The network offers a wide range of support options, such as babysitting, cooking, running errands, walking the family dog, and handling simple home repairs. Above all, HaOgen reminds those left at home that they are not alone.
