The Jerusalem Post

Released child hostages share heartwarming reunion with family dog

 The recently reunited Brodetz family, embracing each other after 51 days in captivity and separated from their loved ones. (photo credit: Hostage and Missing Families Forum)
The recently reunited Brodetz family, embracing each other after 51 days in captivity and separated from their loved ones.
(photo credit: Hostage and Missing Families Forum)

Their four-legged friend, Rodney, did not skip a beat before asking for a belly rub.

After 51 days held as hostages in Gaza, the three Brodetz children were released back into Israeli territory and reunited with their family. There was one family member whose embrace they looked forward to more than others, and he pined for their return daily.

The children were reunited with their family dog, Rodney, after more than a month and a half apart.

Oriya, Yuval, and Ofri Brodetz had the largest smiles on their faces as they exchanged kisses and hugs with their beloved pet.

Rodney expressed excitement as he paced excitedly, wagging his tail, and exposing his belly for rubs. 


Where was the Brodetz family abducted from?

The three Brodetz children were kidnapped alongside their mother, Hagar, from their home in Kibbutz Kfar Aza on October 7.

Their father, Avihai, gained fame after sitting outside of Israel's Defense Ministry base in Tel Aviv holding a sign that read, "My family is in Gaza."

"Sometimes, I think of that feeling when my kids were born and being with them. I really miss them. So, now I've got nothing," he said while children ran around the hotel garden of Shefayim, an Israeli kibbutz that is hosting many survivors, including Brodetz.

Now, the family can live in peace after having been reunited. Together again, with their four-legged-friend Rodney.

