The Jerusalem Post

'He united everyone around him': Thousands attend funeral of Gal Eisenkot

Family, friends and officials attend the funeral of Master Sgt. (res.) Gal Meir Eisenkot, son of war cabinet minister Minister Gadi Eisenkot in Herzliya on December 8, 2023 (photo credit: AVSHALOM SASSONI/FLASH90)
Family, friends and officials attend the funeral of Master Sgt. (res.) Gal Meir Eisenkot, son of war cabinet minister Minister Gadi Eisenkot in Herzliya on December 8, 2023
(photo credit: AVSHALOM SASSONI/FLASH90)

Gal Meir Eisenkot, the son of former chief of staff Gadi Eisenkot, fell in battle in Gaza on Thursday.

Thousands of people took part in the funeral of Master-Sgt. (res.) Gal Meir Eisenkot, son of  War Cabinet Minister  and former IDF chief of staff Gadi Eisenkot, at the military cemetery in Herzliya, after he fell on Thursday in battle in the northern Gaza Strip.

The 25-year-old Eisenkot enlisted in Shayetet 13 and moved to the elite Maglan unit where he served as a combat medic. In the reserves, he served as an infantry fighter in the 699th battalion, of the 551st reserve brigade.

Among those present at the funeral were Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, President Yitzhak Herzog, and Speaker of the Knesset Amir Ohana, alongside politicians and other IDF officials. At the end of the obituaries, during the ceremony, the singer Shlomo Artzi performed the song "Moon" at the request of the family.

"Galush, our young son, mother and I are standing here with a large crowd to pay our last respects to you," Gadi Eisenkot said in eulogy for his son, the youngest of five children, through tears. "You were born 25 years ago, when I was serving as the brigade commander of Golani, mom informed me that she was on her way to a hospital. I hurried from the Golan Heights, but arrived late. Three months ago, on a family trip to Portugal, I mentioned it and you told me in one of our heart-to-heart conversations that you had missed me for many, many years."


"I answered to you that I was sure that mother was there for you all the time and I was proud to see your deep and special bond with her and your siblings,” he said. “When you grew up, I admired your unfathomable seriousness alongside your sense of humor. Excellence was your way of life - in studies, scouts, triathlons. We called you Gal Meir after my father. You were very proud of your family, but you always wanted to stand for yourself."

Family, friends and officials attend the funeral of Master Sgt. (res.) Gal Meir Eisenkot, son of war cabinet minister Gadi Eisenkot in Herzliya on December 8, 2023 (credit: AVSHALOM SASSONI/FLASH90)
Family, friends and officials attend the funeral of Master Sgt. (res.) Gal Meir Eisenkot, son of war cabinet minister Gadi Eisenkot in Herzliya on December 8, 2023 (credit: AVSHALOM SASSONI/FLASH90)

"In the family, we have always looked with shining eyes at the love and the special relationship with the grandchildren that you held high, who were magnetized to you at every meeting,” Eisenkot recalled. “On October 7th, we all woke up to a shocking event. You immediately began to organize equipment. In a conversation about the war in Gaza, you told me that you and your comrades in the company feel that this is a just war; that we must return all the hostages and defeat Hamas. You also told me this in other conversations."

"I am sure that the State of Israel will be strong, developed, and just - as you always used to criticize things that you did not like about what is happening here,” he predicted. "I promise you that we will continue to be a close-knit and happy family so that your sacrifice and that of the fallen was not in vain. I salute you and pledge to you that we will do everything so that we will be deserving to contribute to the right decisions for those who sacrificed for your comrades in arms and for the entire Israeli people."

Gal's sister, Rotem, said: "Whenever I show pictures of us there is no one who didn't stop me and tell me how beautiful you are. We had you as a little brother for 25 full years. When you enlisted there was no doubt that you would do something significant. You lived a life full of experiences. You made a lot of friends along the way - look how many people came here for you. Thank you for being an uncle to our children, who looked up to you with such great admiration. You will be missed by us every minute of the day. We will do everything to continue your path."

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'We knew the arrows on the maps could become arrows to the heart of families'

Minister in the War Cabinet Benny Gantz, chairman of the National Unity party, also paid tribute to Gal: "When we approved plans we knew their meaning. We knew that the arrows on the maps could become arrows to the heart of good and dear families." Gantz addressed Gal's father, Gadi: "You are my brother and brother in arms, my partner, you and your family are the embodiment of a personal example of placing the national interest above any personal consideration."

"From a home like yours, heroes emerge. Only those who love the homeland may fall for the sake of securing its future...I am with you, the Eisenkot family, I know the material you are made of, a family with a big heart and the breadth and strength of steel," Gantz said. "Blessed is the land whose sons are also like Gal. He will always remain in my heart and his action is our heritage, may his memory be blessed."


"On this day, the State of Israel lost one of its best sons," said Lt.-Col. Eran Barkat, IDF representative at the funeral and brother of Economy Minister Nir Barkat. "Six years ago, you enlisted in Maglan. You performed regular and significant exemplary service. At the end of the regular service, you joined the reserves."

"On October 7th, you arrived at the base, even before the call up of the reserves, understanding that this was the order of the hour, and you continuously engaged in advanced medical training. On behalf of the soldiers and commanders of the 699th Battalion and the 551st Brigade, who continue the fighting in Gaza and were prevented from attending the funeral in person: You were an outstanding fighter and a team member who couldn't be better. Sharp and smart. A people person who unites everyone around him and always radiates good faith and optimism."

Afterwards, the fallen soldier’s childhood friend, Nadav, paid tribute to him: "You were my Gal: our Gal. With a huge smile, a mighty soul, and a heart not of this world. Unfortunately, a sea like death also washes its waves from the sand of life. I remember most of my life as a journey, both the good moments and the bad moments. Remember the hinge on the door that you wanted me to fix? So I fixed it, my brother. In the picture of you that I have in my head, it's you smiling as usual. Thank you for comforting me, we'll meet my brother, I'm sure."

"From the moment it happened, I didn't stop thinking about all the things we went through together," said another friend of Gal, Guy Leshem. "I want to say thank you. Thank you for spontaneity without limits, for the heart-to-heart conversations we shared. I could be the most me next to you. Thank you for inspiring me to break personal boundaries. You are not like my brother, you are my brother and I will miss you every day of my life."
