The Jerusalem Post

IDF, Shin Bet arrest 21 wanted persons suspected in terror activity in West Bank

 Israel security forces operate in the West Bank. March 5, 2024. (photo credit: IDF SPOKESMAN’S UNIT)
Israel security forces operate in the West Bank. March 5, 2024.
(photo credit: IDF SPOKESMAN’S UNIT)

Israeli forces operated in the village of Kafr Dan, where they demolished the home of Abed Massad, an accomplice of a terrorist attack in Huwara last August, early Tuesday morning.

The IDF and Shin Bet arrested on Tuesday night 21 wanted persons suspected of involvement in terrorist activity throughout the West Bank, the IDF stated.

One who was arrested was Muhammad Tanji, a key operative in a terror infrastructure in the Balata refugee camp on the outskirts of Nablus. Tanji had been planning, along with others, to carry out a terror attack in the near future.

Israeli forces operated in the village of Kafr Dan, where they demolished the home of Abed Massad, an accomplice of a terrorist attack in Huwara last August, early Tuesday morning.

Demolition of the home of the terrorist who committed the terror attack in Huwara last August (video credit: IDF Spokesperson's Unit)

In the town of Kobar, forces arrested four wanted persons. In Kafr Yatta, the forces arrested a wanted person and confiscated terrorist funds.


In the Ein as-Sultan camp, the forces arrested three wanted men and confiscated weapons. In Kafr Jamal, the forces confiscated two Carlo-type rifles and military equipment.

 Demolition of the home of the terrorist who committed the terror attack in Huwara last August. (credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)
Demolition of the home of the terrorist who committed the terror attack in Huwara last August. (credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)

Aftermath of the West Bank operation

The wanted persons who were arrested and the weapons confiscated were transferred to the security forces for further questioning, Israeli officials said. There were no Israeli casualties in the operations.

Since the beginning of Operation Swords of Iron, about 3,450 wanted individuals have been arrested throughout the West Bank, with approximately 1,500 of them being associated with the Hamas terrorist organization.
