The Jerusalem Post

Boxing legend Floyd Mayweather visits Israel, receives awards for his support

Floyd Mayweather visits Israel during the month of March 2024 (photo credit: UNITED HATZALAH‏)
Floyd Mayweather visits Israel during the month of March 2024
(photo credit: UNITED HATZALAH‏)

Floyd Mayweather honored in Israel for his advocacy against hate and support for lifesaving efforts.

Undefeated boxer Floyd Mayweather visited Israel and received two awards this week: The Champion for Israel award and the Lifesaving Award for his support of Israel. During his visit, Mayweather visits the Dan Family Aish World Center, where he discusses antisemitism, and the United Hatzalah headquarters, where he learns more about the organization's work in providing swift medical care.

Floyd Mayweather, a boxing world champion, was one of the first international celebrities to support Israel when he sent his private plane to deliver medical equipment to the country to help the injured. After that, Mayweather continued to advocate against hate and antisemitism while standing up for Israel.

Wanting to strengthen his connection with Israel and its people, Mayweather visited the country. During his visit, he received the Champion For Israel Award at the Dan Family Aish World Center and met with United Hatzalah Volunteers.

The Dan Family Aish experience

On Monday morning, in a special ceremony on the roof of the Dan Family Aish World Center, Mayweather was presented with the Champion for Israel award for his continued support of Israel and his fight against hate and antisemitism.


Mayweather met with students at Aish and celebrated the Jewish month of Adar with them. He expressed excitement at the visit, stating, "The rooftop is some of the best real estate in the world. Aish has welcomed me and my team in Jerusalem before, and it is very exciting to be back."

Floyd Mayweather visits Israel during the month of March 2024 (credit: Ezra Amsallem/Aish)
Floyd Mayweather visits Israel during the month of March 2024 (credit: Ezra Amsallem/Aish)

When asked about the current rise of antisemitism worldwide, particularly in the US, Mayweather answered with a powerful message. "Everybody needs to stay positive and think positive, be proactive in a respectful manner ... and stand up against hate," he said.

Rabbi Steven Burg, CEO of Aish, met with Mayweather and discussed the positive messages that the boxing legend is sharing with the world. "As a renowned figure in the world of sports, Mr. Mayweather's visit and his message hold significant weight," the rabbi said. Burg also stressed the importance of Mayweather's activism in light of the October 7 massacre and said that "we need to embrace those who stand strong behind Israel."

Praying for peace with United Hatzalah Volunteers

On Tuesday morning, Mayweather visited the United Hatzalah headquarters in Jerusalem, where he met with President and Founder Eli Beer and CEO Eli Pollak. The boxer was visibly moved by the volunteers he met and their stories of courage.

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During his tour of the organization's Dispatch and Command Center, United Hatzalah VP of Operations Dovie Maisel explained to Mayweather some of the lifesaving activities carried out by the thousands of volunteers, Jews and Arabs alike, at the organization. Maisel showed Mayweather the incredible technology that enables United Hatzalah volunteers to be the first to respond to calls. 

Finally, the organization's pioneering invention, 'ambucycles,' an emergency motorcycle used by first responders to cut through the traffic and arrive swiftly at medical emergencies, was explained to Mayweather. Mayweather was impressed by the organization, saying, "I hope that the entire world adopts the model of providing medical treatment within 90 seconds."


Eli Beer summed up the visit by saying, "It was an honor for us to host the incredible Floyd Mayweather ... who came to Israel especially in order to express solidarity and support." The President and Founder of United Hatzalah added that "he took the time to come and see the amazing work our thousands of volunteers ... it's a big honor for us."

Beer also stressed that he was happy to present the Lifesaving Award to Mayweather by drone, which also demonstrated to him what their drone unit was capable of in times of emergency, sending medical equipment from the air in complicated terrain.

Donates fleet of 'Medicycles' to Magen David Adom

Mayweather also donated a fleet of 'Medicycles' to Magen David Adom, Israel’s emergency services system.

“We are truly grateful for Floyd Mayweather’s commitment and support at this dark time in our history," said Catherine Reed, CEO of American Friends of Magen David Adom. "The Floyd Fleet will save thousands of lives in record time and wouldn’t have been possible without him.”
