The Jerusalem Post

The current war cabinet is leading the people of Israel into the abyss - opinion

 Benny Gantz, Hertzl Levi, Yoav Galant, Benjamin Netanyahu (photo credit: ARIEL HERMONI, Chaim Goldberg/Flash90, IDF SPOKESPERSON UNIT, MINISTRY OF DEFENSE, YONATAN SINDEL/FLASH90)
Benny Gantz, Hertzl Levi, Yoav Galant, Benjamin Netanyahu

The Gaza war cabinet denies responsibility and leads the State of Israel into the abyss. Israel must dismantle the war cabinet before it destroys the country.

One clear and certain fact, which I affirm based on the facts, is that the IDF cannot win this war against Hamas, and certainly not against Hezbollah. I believe this not because we do not want to win, but simply because we cannot. Our army is small and weak, with no surplus of forces. In this situation, every day the war continues, our situation worsens.

Currently, the IDF and the country are heading towards internal collapse. The war cabinet leading the war in Gaza, in both the political and military ranks, refuses to acknowledge the harsh reality that it is responsible for. Its members have only one daily goal - to continue the fight at all costs as it guarantees their political positions.

Unfortunately, the failure brought upon the people of Israel and their continued fight without consideration or rational thought is leading to the eventual collapse of the country. They must be stopped. They are leading the people of Israel like sheep to the slaughter. The country's salvation is not their priority but rather the salvation of themselves and their survival in power.

Recently, the IDF entered Rafah, and everything I predicted is now happening. We are losing control of the world's nations in a way we have never known, including our relations with Egypt. We may end up severing ties with them and also facing the Egyptian army as our enemies. The entire nation needs to stop the destruction and immediately distance themselves from these warmongers who are leading us astray.


The army needs to be immediately restored and prepared to deal with future regional warfare, including one that escalates in intensity by thousands compared to the conflict in Gaza, posing a real threat to the existence of the State of Israel. A ceasefire will enable the recovery of Israel's struggling economy, international relations, and societal hardships, as well as the release of captives by mutual agreement. 

Why is all this not happening now? The war cabinet has completely lost its judgment, leading us into the abyss. The Israeli people need to come together to stop them before it's too late. I am convinced that if this group continues to manage the war, in some time, all citizens will realize the magnitude of the country's crisis in all areas, but by then, it will already be too late.

Therefore, it is better to remove this group from the reins of power now before they destroy the country in a process that is unfolding before our eyes like a movie. The things I am writing to you are so clear and certain. The people of Israel will never forgive the citizens who blindly follow the cabinet leaders and sacrifice our country on the altar.

 The Chief of Staff Hertzl Levi (credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON UNIT)
The Chief of Staff Hertzl Levi (credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON UNIT)

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Israel's current government stands in silence in the face of the country's fatal decline.

Our history has no better example than the Bar-Kochba revolt in 132 CE when the Roman Empire ruled. Bar-Kochba decided to fight against the small forces against the Romans who conquered the land of Israel. In those days, the empire was the greatest military power in the world. Bar-Kochba's goals were correct - to drive the Romans out of our conquered land.

However, even though he went to war against the Romans for the rightness of his cause, the power of his forces collapsed by sixty against the strength of the Roman army. As expected, Bar-Kochba was defeated in the war, and the Jews were exiled from their state for two thousand years. 


Today we are exactly in the situation of Bar-Kochba. Our war is no longer just a war with Hamas in Gaza but also a low-intensity war with Hezbollah. This war is causing the enlightened world to sever its ties with Israel and is bringing the Egyptians to the brink of severing their peace relations with us. We will be hit hard in our relations with other Arab countries who, after decades of hostility towards us, made peace with us.

Despite everything, the cabinet members of both the political and military ranks are leading the war and acting exactly like Bar-Kochba. They chose justice, not wisdom, and will, therefore, bring disaster upon the people of Israel. The ministers and members of the Knesset from the coalition witness the country's deterioration in security, economy, international relations, and social resilience, but they choose to stand in silence to ensure that their dear careers are not harmed in any way.

The only solution left in the situation we have reached due to the sinful recklessness of the state and military cabinet members is for Israel to declare a ceasefire, immediately restore the army, economy, international relations, and social resilience, and reach an agreement to release our captives imprisoned in the darkness and shadow of death in Hamas tunnels.

They will not be released by force. This process must be done decisively and wisely so that we can stand firmly on our feet in a short time against our future enemies, protect the country, and go to war if necessary, where our rightful goals can also be achieved.

For all of this to happen, and for us to save ourselves from ourselves, the citizens of the country must demand the immediate replacement of the cabinet members at both the governmental and military levels, whose direct responsibility and direct guilt lie on the severe and terrible failure since the establishment of the state. If this does not happen, we will have no hope of surviving in our beloved country that was founded after two thousand years of exile in wars followed by bloodshed.

This government can survive and hold its ground only if it continues to drag out the current war. The extremist forces involved in it believe that victory will come from God even though the army has lost its ability to win. Those directly responsible for the terrible failure will stand before the heavenly court when the time comes, along with all the consequences of their actions.

The people must take action. History books will forever record that Bibi, Gantz, Benny Gantz, Gadi Eisenkot, and Herzi Halevi are the members who led to the country's destruction, and their names will be recorded for eternal disgrace.
