The Jerusalem Post

'I hope the people of Israel will be worthy of your sacrifice,' Yedidya Azugi's mother eulogizes

 Sergeant Major Yedidya Azugi. Uploaded on 31/5/2024 (photo credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON UNIT)
Sergeant Major Yedidya Azugi. Uploaded on 31/5/2024

Yedidya Azugi, 21, was loved by his family and a magnet of people, his family eulogized on Thursday during his funeral.

Sergeant-Major Yedidya Azugi, a combat soldier from the Paratrooper’s 101st Battalion who fell in combat in the Gaza Strip on Wednesday, was laid to rest on Thursday. Azugi, 21 years old, was from the Revava.

Azugi left behind his parents and five siblings. His cousin Sergeant Daniel Levy also fell in combat in the Gaza Strip in the Zeitoun neighborhood near Gaza City.

"You used to avoid attention, look at how much attention you're getting now," eulogized his mother, Dalia. "In your quiet way, you did everything, and everyone followed you. During the Mimouna celebration, we laughed that most of the friends who came were yours, even though you didn't tell anyone there was a Mimouna. They were drawn to you like a magnet."

"You hugged each of your siblings, and they wouldn't let go," she continued. "Your siblings would argue about whom you loved the most. Each would come to me separately and say, 'You know, Didi loves me the most.' 'You know he wrote me a note.' You were the most special. Yedidya, a friend of God. I told you every time, 'My friend of God,' and now the Almighty has placed you by His side.


“My Didi, be an advocate for us, watch over us from above, over Dad, your sisters, and your brother. Help us to stay happy. I hope you will be the last to die, and that God will put an end to our troubles. I hope the people of Israel will be worthy of your sacrifice."

Siblings share their memories

 Yedidya Azugi, Eliya Hilel, Diego Shvisha Harsaj. (credit: IDF SPOKESMAN’S UNIT)
Yedidya Azugi, Eliya Hilel, Diego Shvisha Harsaj. (credit: IDF SPOKESMAN’S UNIT)

Shira, Yedidya's sister, shared her memories of him, and said, "I never thought this is what I would be doing today. You were supposed to be here today. We were supposed to be at an engagement party right now, but God decided otherwise.

“Before you left, you told me for my birthday: 'Shira, I bless you that you will never cry in your life, that you will always laugh, no matter what happens, you won't cry, understood?' That's why I try my best not to cry. I love you so much and miss hugging you. Even when you're not here, you're always in my heart."

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His brother Yinon shared his memories of Sergeant-Major Azugi, "My oldest brother, the person who never talks about himself but everyone talks about, the person who does the most, truly the most, and all quietly. The person who always puts others first, how can I talk about you in the past tense? How can I eulogize a great person like you?"

“I used to consult with you and ask for your advice, and from your advice came the best outcomes. Even in your last moments, you were engaged in helping others, in evacuating the wounded. You always told me that those who come to you for evacuation would be wounded, not dead. But why only worry about others? Why didn't you take care of yourself?"


Emunah, Yedidya's sister, said, "I can't believe I have to summarize 17 years with you in a few sentences to explain what kind of person we lost. You, the strong and brave, will no longer be with us. We will no longer wait for you to come back, or prepare the cookies you love. I can't believe it.

“Teach the people of Israel how not to be angry; teach us to be united. You were always smiling with a kind heart and pursued your dreams with humility and modesty. You always took care of us and your nephews, who will now only know you through stories. You will always be in all our hearts, and if the people of Israel knew what kind of person they lost, the whole country would probably be standing on their feet."
