The Jerusalem Post

'Connect to the cries of the people': MK Forer requests cancellation of Knesset summer recess

 MK Oded Forer speaks at a meeting of the Knesset Committee for Immigration, Absorption and Diaspora Affairs, February 7, 2024. (photo credit: NOAM MOSKOVITZ/KNESSET)
MK Oded Forer speaks at a meeting of the Knesset Committee for Immigration, Absorption and Diaspora Affairs, February 7, 2024.

This action comes in response to the sensitive security situation and the urgent need to address numerous issues, including the plight of evacuees and hostage families.

Five weeks before the end of the summer session, Yisrael Beytenu faction chairman MK Oded Forer addressed Knesset Speaker Amir Ohana on Tuesday, demanding the cancellation of the traditional Knesset summer recess.

Forer submitted the request to Ohana's office to garner support among the house factions to change the recess dates. This action comes in response to the sensitive security situation and the urgent need to address numerous issues, including the plight of evacuees, the families of hostages, and the severe economic crisis.

Previously, towards the end of the winter session, opposition factions attempted to cancel the Passover recess. Despite public outcry, the request was denied, and the Knesset went on recess in April and May.

At that time, the coalition did not support canceling the recess, arguing that committees and even the plenum could be convened if necessary. They maintained that recess periods are held legally as part of the Knesset's work needs and the employees' work agreements.


Nevertheless, MK Oded Forer is once again asking Ohana to accept this new request: "Unfortunately, the last time we approached you to cancel the recess, we received no response, and it proceeded as planned. But we are trying again; all house members have the opportunity to learn from past mistakes and do the minimum required to change the situation and be connected to the people's outcry. We must cancel the planned recess set to begin in July."

 Knesset speaker Amir Ohana holds a press conference at the Knesset in Jerusalem. September 6, 2023. (credit: YONATAN SINDEL/FLASH90)
Knesset speaker Amir Ohana holds a press conference at the Knesset in Jerusalem. September 6, 2023. (credit: YONATAN SINDEL/FLASH90)

In his letter, Forer added: "At times when Israeli citizens do not sleep at night, families are fighting to bring their loved ones back, mothers and fathers are sleepless with worry for their children fighting on all fronts, while there are still people evacuated from their homes, reservists dealing with an unbearable and exhausting routine, small and medium businesses collapsing, and children who have lost an entire school year and still do not know what will happen in the next school year, it is unacceptable for the Knesset to freeze its work, for committees to be paralyzed, and for the Knesset plenum to go into dormancy."

Expected to fail

It is anticipated that the coalition will again refuse to advance this unusual request, partly to reduce the risk of a government collapse. A recess provides a 'window of opportunity' for parliamentary quiet; if the coalition survives until the end of July, it is guaranteed long months without fear of political maneuvers that could destabilize the government.

According to the Knesset's decision, the summer session will officially end on July 28, 2024, with the summer recess lasting three months. The winter session, opening the next Knesset session, will begin on October 27.
