The Jerusalem Post

Israel's former ambassador to the US Michael Oren joins emergency squad in the Galilee

 Michael Oren  (photo credit: JERUSALEM POST, Mark Israel Salem)
Michael Oren
(photo credit: JERUSALEM POST, Mark Israel Salem)

Michael Oren served in the paratroopers' brigade during the First Lebanon War, and he will soon join Kfar Blum's emergency squad,

At the culmination of a tense week at the northern border, former Israeli ambassador to the US and former deputy minister in the Prime Minister's Office Michael Oren volunteered for the Kfar Blum emergency squad. 

"The residents of the north have been experiencing many difficulties for nine months now with the growing war on the northern border from the direction of Hezbollah - and it has no end in sight," Oren said on Wednesday.

"My love for Israel and my desire to help in any way made me put on a uniform for the first time in a decade since I put the uniform in the closet for the last time. As Israeli and Zionist patriots, it is our duty to contribute, each one according to his ability, for the sake of the country. On normal days I contribute through advocacy and diplomacy and today I am qualified as a member of the alert class at the northern border, for all that that implies."

 THEN-MK Michael Oren attends a parliamentary committee meeting in 2017. (credit: YONATAN SINDEL/FLASH90)
THEN-MK Michael Oren attends a parliamentary committee meeting in 2017. (credit: YONATAN SINDEL/FLASH90)

The decision for Oren to join was made following coordination with the liaison unit of the Upper Galilee Regional Council Authority, the Kfar Blum Chief of Staff, and the members of the standby squad for several weeks before the start of volunteering.


Michael Oren's combat experience

In the coming days, Oren, who served in the paratroopers' brigade during the First Lebanon War, will take a full part of Kfar Blum's emergency squad, which includes guarding the static guard posts, mounted patrols, and integration into the dawn standby of the emergency squad.

In addition, also, as the former ambassador of Israel, Oren is active in everything related to the rising war on the northern border and the many difficulties experienced by the refugees from the north.

About a month ago, he hosted a delegation of evacuees from the North in Washington for a series of meetings at the White House and with members of Congress.
